Emsamom Member


  • So you know the expression "I'd lose my head if it weren't screwed on"? That's me with my pump. If it weren't physically attached I would forever be forgetting my insulin and needles! Agree it would be nice to be able to walk around naked occasionally, but it's an easy trade. Best part of pumping for me is I don't have to…
  • What a great idea! I'm already here to enter my food info, so now I will just add my BG as well. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Thanks for the welcome from down under! I was just in Australia for work and will be back at the end of October - I've been learning a lot about the Australia Health Care industries (I work in the pharmaceutical industry). Hoping that our project will extend to include New Zealand as well! Seems like the lows calories will…
  • Nice to meet you Marybeth! Curious about the Strength training comment - why does it help BG control more than cardio? (I'd consider 5-10 floors of stairs nonstop to be cardio for sure!)