peaches6311 Member


  • It looks like I misunderstood challenges, sorry. But would still love any feedback from IFERS
  • Thanks, I will cut down to 1400. Yes, I do powerlifting.
  • Here is my workout schedule --- My accessories are planned so that if I have done higher reps on that part it rests the next day. Monday 1 hour Pilates & 1.5 hrs. martial arts Tuesday: rest day only thing I do is pushups (about 32 right now trying to work way back up to 50) Wednesday: Heavy bench and accessories and 1. 5…
  • I do plan a recovery week about every 6 weeks or sooner if my body tells me I need one. During that week I continue martial arts, Pilates and may throw in a Yoga class but no lifting. What else would you suggest? If I had to choose to either cut back my exercise or stay a little heavy, I would stay a little heavy. But I am…
  • According to my GoWear Fit I average about 2200 calories a day burn, and I eat about 1800 calories a day. So I am not starving myself by any means :) I will steadily lose for awhile, and then it seems as if everything goes haywire and I put it all back (and maybe a few) and then it starts all over again :(
  • I am not sure what is wrong with me. I wear a GoWear Fit and weigh and track my food, but when I hit a certain weight, I start putting it back on (and a few more) no matter what I do. My periods will go all whacky, where I either have one every 45 days or every 14 days. Then everything goes back to normal (after I have put…
  • How do you know if you are over training? I am also a hypothyroid 5'3", 45 year old woman that weighs around 140# (body fat % as measured by calipers 25-26%). Pretty happy with my weight though I would like to lose about 5 pounds so I can compete in a lower weight class, but never seem to get around to doing it. After I…
  • I agree with everyone else. It is easier to gain weight, harder to lose weight, and I lose muscle strength faster. I am happy with the way I feel on my meds, but it doesn't solve all the problems.
  • There is your answer :)
  • Same thing happened to me this week too. I am only trying to lose .5 pounds a week, so I am eating fairly close to break even. But I wear a Gowear Fit and weigh all my food. I averaged more than 260 calories a day deficit and I gained 4 pounds. So that tells me either I miss calculated my chili I made this week or I am…
  • Wow, I am also 5'3" and about 140# (in my mid 40s). I too am hypothyroid and have an very high heart rate while working out --- not uncommon for it to be in the 180 to 200 bpm range. I love to push myself to the max when working out, but sometimes I wonder if I am putting myself in danger. I have never met another person…
  • I know that this isn't what you asked for, but I make "fried rice" using spaghetti squash. I take spaghetti squash and use it instead of rice. Low calories --- just a thought.
  • I know two people who are doing the HCG diet. Is it healthy? I question that any diet of 500 calories is healthy. Another problem I have, is that you don't learn what you need to learn to keep it off. Learning how to eat healthy and to not overindulge is a process. So any form of shortcut in weight loss is going to keep…