I do NOT live in Denver -- however -- the Gym I go to in Los Angeles has one in Denver as well -- and I cannot recommend it enough. It's called Educogym. It's from the UK, and it works amazingly. Whenever you workout you have a personal trainer telling you what to do. The workouts are all strength training, and last only…
You can always take Magnesium supplements at night.
One cup is 8oz; so a bottle of water is 2 cups (plus a little bit -- i just count it as 2). You can also look at it as 1 bottle = 1 pint (a pint is 2 cups)
I'm in!
Yay you!
I'm in! And excited!
Hahaha. Very funny. Yes, I can see the whole thing, it's just small. As an LA-er, I agree -- no one walks :)