

  • You should definitely see a doctor! I had that problem a few years ago... the stress got so bad that it turned into depression because I felt like I couldn't do anything right and had no control over anything. You REALLY DON'T want it to get to this level. Also, do some at-home yoga videos. Classes are great, but it's not…
  • I was lazy too... didn't really have the energy to exercise either. Started out doing small stuff. Cleaned up my diet, and walked 20 minutes... then 30 minutes at faster pace... and now sweating on the elliptical machine at the gym. It's only been a week, and I am already feeling much more energetic! Be strong! Good luck!
    in Lazy Comment by passionart January 2010
  • I just joined last week too! Logging in my food and exercise really keeps me accountable, and keeps me true to myself. Starting the an intense workout program on Feb. 1st
  • Looks like about 500 calories per hour on average.