

  • Please tell me you were in the herbal wrap when the laxatives kicked in..........
  • So glad I'm not the only person this happens to. Though I must say I hadn't had it for many months, then yesterday a patient says to me 'oh an expectant mother how lovely'. I just say no not me it must be the top I'm wearing. Mind you I am 53 so my friends tell me I should feel flattered that they think I look young enough…
  • I told myself I wouldn't make a weight loss goal as I rea\lly struggle with them. That instead my goal would be to get fitter. But I still set a goal to lose 20lb by xmas and I've lost 5lb, why am I surprised. However I am sticking to my get fit plan and so far haven't missed a session. So I keep telling myself this is the…
  • wow are there some strange things going on here Cannot bite into cheese can only suck it (yes it does take a long time to eat) Love hot black coffee but hate how its gets cold so quickly so always have quarter of cold coffee in the bottom of my mug Hate celery and can spot the tiniest morsel in any dish and cannot then eat…
  • Well I'm from Scotland but living in Surrey, but will be visiting Scotland soon for hogmanay of course !
  • First date with a guy to a local night club and I was driving. By the way this was the early 80's and he had more eyeliner than I did. Anyways we decide to leave a little bit early to avoid the rush for coats. He decides he's hungry and goes over to a fast food van. I go and sit in my car and luckily I haven't unlocked the…
  • This is too scary! I'll be 86 ...... so IF I am still alive I definately will not be logging on to MFP. I just hope I still enjoy food and wine, it would be such a waste if I didn't. Friends ?? hope I still have friends and if I do that I rememeber who they are.:cry: :cry:
  • Many years ago at a karate class in Scotland and it was our first session of being paired up. I was the only girl in the class and I got paired up with an american guy. So he had to pretend to attack me and I had to fling him onto the floor. Managed it on the second go and so pleased myself as I was tiny. Then it was my…
  • Hee Hee... I have only just joined and logged my walking at the weekend as exactly that. The funny thing is when I am out walking I keep getting asked where my dog is!
  • waist measurements are normally taken around the belly button, that way you know you are taking the measurements from the same place every time.
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