

  • I recently started using the Clif Builder's bars as a mid morning snack and I absolutely love them. All natural, mostly organic ingredients, 20 grams of protein...what's not to love? I've tried both the peanut butter and chocolate ones and they're both tasty, with peanut butter being slightly more delicious.
  • I thought the same thing, it's pretty badass. My co-workers GF who is also a triathlete tackled this thing last year and he said it was insane. Should be interesting to say the least...
  • My buddy is trying to convince me to train with him for "Tough Mudder" coming to NJ in November...after I finish this round of p90x, I told him I'd let him know. I've never done anything like that and think it would be a pretty awesome challenge to complete. For those who don't know what it is, here is a convenient link.…
  • In case anyone was wondering, I ended up choosing Dark Matter by MHP in lieu of any of the post workout recovery drinks due to it's loyal customer base, popularity, and similar nutrient profile as the others I had considered. It is a little pricey at over $2 per serving but I won't be taking it after every workout either…
  • Thanks for the suggestion. I'm trying to avoid multiple sources of replenishment since I typically cannot stand the taste of supplements in the first place...I may just have to "give it a shot" so to speak and see if and how it works.
  • I found this link useful in my research between the two. http://rationalsecurity.typepad.com/p90x/2009/01/battle-of-the-recovery-formulas-p90x-vs-accelerade.html I think accelerade will work, but I was looking for a little more protein out of it, which is why I was looking closer at Endurox. Both drinks are made my the…