

  • Thanks for all the replies. We just started HS for 1st grade and it's such a intense year, I'm looking forward to fall and evening walks. Texas heat is so zapping and it's just starting to cool down to the mid to high 80 in the evening. I also have a wii that I have used before to drop some lbs. That makes it kind of fun.…
  • Baby #2 is 4.5 months old. I'm dealing with some adrenal fatigue. Anyone figured out how to factor in bfing with calories needed or burned?
  • Yep my weight gain is my eating habits too. I know my adrenals are ill mostly because of fatigue. (and I just had a baby. High time to give those lovely glads some extra TLC) I do notice I am not losing weight as quickly as I have been able to in the past though and I saw that was a part of adrenal symptoms.
  • Way to go! Looks like our total goal is about the same. Glad to see someone half way there.
  • Have you had your adrenal glands tested? I'm working on getting mine healthy now. I'm new too. I hope we both find ourselves reaching our goals.