home school moms?

someday150 Posts: 8
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Any HS moms here? Being a SAHM can really fill a day. Add HSing and (1st grade) a 4 month old breastfed baby and where has the "extra" time gone!?! Love to hear your tips on staying active and sneaking extra activity into an already jam packed day. We do about a 30 min recess each day where i can usually get a walk in (baby strapped to me in Ergo) while older daughter rides her bike. That and chores are about it for me now. Could use some friends who are coming at this from the same direction as me.


  • SC_momof3
    Hi, I am a HS mom as well. My boys are 8 & 4 1/2. I am having the same struggle as you and would love to hear the ideas of others, or at the very least, have someone to talk to that's in the same boat as me. Nice to "meet" you!
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    I am a homeschool mom but i only have one child. Ive homeschooled her since second grade when i pulled her out of private school. She's now in 10th grade, still homeschooled. The nice part is, we do our physical education class at home, so we walk together in the evenings, or go do the bowflex, eliptical etc. we get excersise almost every day and she helps me cook some meals so she is learning about nutrition.

    Homeschooling is fun and rewarding. Just remember to take some time to yourself each day or you can get burnt out fast.
  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    I homeschool my 5 year old son. I'm blessed to have a gym where they allow kids in, and my trainer gives him workouts alongside me lol. Your kids make great substitutes for barbells and weights! Plus, he's so delighted when I'm swinging him around and stuff lol.
  • BabyNurseJen
    BabyNurseJen Posts: 64 Member
    I don't homeschool. My son's not quite 2 yet. But to fit in my work out, I get up early, do it during nap time or after bed time. Can you get some time to work out when your husband is home?
  • justaloozer
    justaloozer Posts: 122 Member
    I homeschool my 2 children. I workout early in the morning while DG is still home. I find that excuses are easier to come by if it's night time. ;)
  • someday150
    Thanks for all the replies. We just started HS for 1st grade and it's such a intense year, I'm looking forward to fall and evening walks. Texas heat is so zapping and it's just starting to cool down to the mid to high 80 in the evening. I also have a wii that I have used before to drop some lbs. That makes it kind of fun. I like boxing. :)
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much about it. Yes, do incorporate more movement into your daily life: walks, extra trips to the other end of the house, a dance around the living room with the kids, it all adds up.

    Diet is the main thing to be honest, it'll be 80% of your weight loss. As someone else said on another thread: you can't outrun your fork. Good luck :-)
  • knackeredat34
    knackeredat34 Posts: 66 Member
    I home educate my 3 children, luckily my husband now works from home so i am free to workout whenever. Before i used to try and fit in 30 minutes before my husband went to work or when the baby was sleeping. I also managed to lift weights through out the day - 10 minutes here and there - better than nothing.
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    I homeschool 2 of my 4 kids, feel free to add me :smile: I workout before they wake up, nap time, or after bedtime. Sometimes I'll workout during the day and it'll be "PE" time, so they also exercise :smile:
  • chris2267
    chris2267 Posts: 57 Member
    I homeschool my dd that is in 10th grade. She is taking two science classes at the local high school. She does most of her work other own and many of her materials are self correcting/paced. She does have to be prodded to do her math though. Walking in nature as PE and nature walk. I do fitness blender on YouTube or I also have a subscription to Daily Burn. I haven't used it too much yet but I think this winter it will come in handy. We have also taken Zumba classes for PE.
  • tommienana
    tommienana Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I am a 49 year old & I home school my 14 year old son . I also babysit my 1 year old grand daughter every day. I walk in the mornings & fit in my strength training where ever i can . I try to eat healthy as well . It's very nice to meet you & good luck with your weight loss .
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    I also homeschool, my kids are 10 and 8. I go to the gym in the morning while they are still sleeping, cause they can watch tv if they wake up and I am not home, they are not active in the morning. REALIZE you can't do that with a baby though.
    I think the WII is great, I like the wii fit and you can find it real cheap at goodwill / ebay or gamestop for a used copy. Also do little games with the baby, baby press, baby resisted crunches...whatever is safe yet effective, use that baby and baby's weight to cheer you on. Do activity games while teaching.. like simon says, throw a ball back and forth as you ask questions, do a pushup for every time she gets a spelling word right... whatever. You have to think outside the box. It will get easier as they get older and more independent but also enjoy every minute they want to be with you, cause who knows when that might end.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm a HS mom but my kids are old enough to work independently for most of their stuff so I can work out when I want pretty much. This year though my husband and I joined a gym so I'll be going at 5:00 am and getting my workout done before they're even awake. Since my oldest three are all old enough to babysit (oldest is 19 and not HS'd anymore) I can leave them home. So I'm really not much help! If you can find a group of mom's who you can trade sitting with or maybe an older homeschooled kid who is responsible enough to keep an eye on them while you work out that might be an option. I'm assuming you're working out at home and not at a gym that has childcare. If that's the case, just take advantage of it and work it into your day. As a long time HS parent I can tell you that if you don't take a little time to care for yourself you will regret it.

    Exercising activates those happy endorphins and makes you feel a lot less stabbity so you actually have patience to school the little darlings. :wink:
  • LadyMud17
    LadyMud17 Posts: 193 Member
    I homeschool, a 3 and 5 year old :) I do Shaun T, beachbody videos (Insanity, Asylum, ect) and run when the hubby is home. I train for obstical course racing, and that is my "thing" . The kids love to jump around to Shaun T, and the kids can entertain themselves or work on a workbook or free read. I think it is good for them to entertain themselves for a bit. Cooking is filled with reading lessons and fractions and nutrition. I figure if I want my littles to take care of themselves I have to lead by example. Plus lots of walking during nature hikes and exploring the world.
  • charlottemilton
    charlottemilton Posts: 144 Member
    I guess I qualify as a fairly long term homeschooling mom. The only one still home is 14 years old and just starting high school curriculum; he wants to go to one of the military academies so I think this is as intense as doing 1st grade but different. He was my baby when his sister's were in grade school. Today I had 10 children and 4 mom's for English (we split them up by level) and the older ones high school biology. They started dissecting their frogs today on the dinning room table. Clorox wipes are my friend.

    I used to set him in his carrier or seat next to us when we did 1 on 1 work. I used his nap time or early morning time and a workout video. (Boy that dates me.) I also traded time with other mom's back then for personal time to work out, or take a bath in peace, or nap, or read a book or . . . You are welcome to friend me.

    Do you have a local homeschool support group?
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    Hi, I homeschool and I also have a 4mo and a 1st grader... plus a few others, LOL. :smile: I run a few days a week, and either lift or do yoga on the other days. I plan our weekly schedule, and then I plan my weekly workouts. If there is a day that is particularly busy I call that a "rest" day. Exercise is very important to me, something I enjoy and I get grumpy if I have to skip it. So I make sure I have time.
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