

  • Same here, my wife didn't want me dieting so hard. Just got in a couple of days back. I weigh 264 pounds and need to desperately cut down on the pounds. Don't mind if you all out there talk about cheeseburgers, that's how I got here in the first place. Need some friends to motivate me. Thanks.
  • Just got in a couple of days back. I weigh 264 pounds and need to desperately cut down on the pounds. Don't mind if you all out there talk about cheeseburgers, that's how I got here in the first place. Need some friends to motivate me. Thanks.
  • 34 here. Just got in a couple of days back. I weigh 120 kg and need to desperately cut down on the kilos. Don't mind if you all out there talk about cheeseburgers, that's how I got here in the first place. Need some friends to motivate me. Thanks.
  • Just got in a couple of days back. I weigh 120 kg and need to desperately cut down on the kilos. Don't mind if you all out there talk about cheeseburgers, that's how I got here in the first place. Have been over-weight all my life. Need some friends to motivate me. Thanks.
  • Just got in a couple of days back. I weigh 120 kg and need to desperately cut down on the kilos. Don't mind if you all out there talk about cheeseburgers, that's how I got here in the first place. Need some friends to motivate me. Thanks.