Cat232013 Member


  • Thanks! I feel much better about this now. I forgot to add that my gym membership is expensed too so that's good. In the past I know for long assignments they have put people in to apartments instead of hotels so after a bit I might try for that (I'm pretty new to this job and don't want to be too pushy and demanding early…
  • I really hope it ends up like that!
  • I'm definitely going to make my own good lunches and snacks and try and pick healthy options from the breakfast. I'm not sure how feasible travelling with a microwave/ slow cooker will be lol but I'll look in to it. And I've had a look for the menu's online and can see what they offer but not the calorie content/…
  • Pretty similar to a lot of you. I'm 5' 3 and at 130 lbs (I was 126 before Christmas oops), female and 23 years old. I'd like to get to 115-120 depending on how I feel when I get to that stage. Quick question though - how many net calories is working for you guys? My BMR is 1339 and TDEE is 1607 so if I go by the TDEE-20%…
  • I would agree mostly - its easier to become lazy when someone keeps telling you that you already look good and I find I go out for dinner more (wine included!) But if you can find someone who is supportive and motivates you then win-win!
  • Mine is too :( I'm 23 5'3 and 126 lbs. Weekdays I don't find too bad but the weekends have not gone well so far haha! I'm trying to be as active as possible so I can eat more or at least balance out my weekly deficit from overdoing it on the weekends
  • Me too! I quit drinking for charity for October so to celebrate completing that (and Halloween) went out Friday and Saturday, drank loads, ate a stupid amount of food and then skipped my Insanity workout on Sunday. I felt so bad about it yesterday but today I actually feel more motivated than I have in weeks (I'm currently…
  • Yeah I got a bit like that with the month 1 workouts towards the end as well, that's why I was so glad to be getting to recovery and month 2 for a change. Then the lack of results has just killed my motivation! I've finished recovery today and hopefully the new fit test on Saturday will spark some enthusiasm again. I think…
  • Haha I've had the odd day where I have given in to chocolate or something processed too but I have always logged it and usually compensated earlier in the day or the next. I'm eating 1600 which is what the nutrition plan and Scoobys calculator both advised (I'm 5' 2 and 125 lbs). How about you? We sound in the exact same…
  • Help please! I am starting Month 2 Week 1 on Saturday and to be honest have lost loads of motivation. Seeing as I'm 5 weeks in I was definitely expecting some results by now and I just haven't. I've lost maybe 2 lbs and an inch from my waist and hips. My fit test results went up from the first one (3rd one is on Sat) but…
  • It may be totally different but when I started my new 6 day a week routine/healthy eating I gained weight the first week or so as well. I actually had to up my calories a little, listen to the advice I was given and be patient and then my body adjusted - though I understand the frustration!!. I also didn't lose any inches…
  • Hi I am in the same boat, I'm nearly done with week 4 (starting the recovery week on Saturday) and have only lost 1-2 lbs but feel better and stronger. I've been following the nutrition guide fairly closely, sticking to the 1600 cals (I'm 5'2) and eating healthily but not necessarily only the meal choices in the plan. I'm…
  • I'm 3 days away from starting the recovery week, good news because I'm ready for a change in workouts. Just out of curiosity, does it feel like a rest week? Or do you still burn a similar amount of calories?
  • I'm on day 19. I love it but haven't seen amazing results yet. Muscle tone has definitely improved as have my fit test results and my measurements are a little improved but no weight loss. I've followed the nutrition plan pretty closely but I've read that it can take until month 2 to see big results so I'm persevering! A…
  • I'm 5'2 as well and it took me ages to figure mine out! I'm currently on week 3 of insanity so pretty intense 6 days a week, I use Scoobies calculators set at 3-5 moderate exercise because my job is deskbound. That told me to eat just above 1600 as a 20% cut. I thought I'd be clever and reduce that to 1400 and lose weight…
  • Hey there, I start week 3 (new fit test!) on Saturday and I've had the same issues with no weight loss or inches lost but I can feel my muscles getting stronger so I would be shocked if my fit test results don't improve. I just wanted to say that after doing looooads of reading and getting some advice I've been told I need…
  • Ah its nice to know I'm not alone lol. Did you ever figure out what it was? i.e. eating too much or too little? And if you don't mind me asking did you have a lot to lose when you started or were you at a healthy weight?
  • Thank you so much! I have been doing A LOT of reading around the subject and had kind of come to the conclusion I needed to up my calories to fuel my body and start burning fat but its a scary thought when at 1500 I'm not hungry or losing weight. It's pretty counter-intuitive to my brain. I'll start eating a bit more,…
  • Thanks, its not that I thought I am gaining fat, the maths just doesn't work for that, I was just surprised that I don't seem to be losing any - through inches or weight. I figured my initial 3 pound gain was water weight and then when that went I thought I would start seeing results but I'm just stuck around my starting…