

  • After you grind out your first 10, you may want to try and do your second set on an incline (feet on the ground, hands on a chair). It will be a lot easier, and allow you to continue to workout your chest beyond what you would do on the ground. :happy:
  • Hey Go Duke... It is important to log in your food intake daily otherwise you cheat and don't know how much. By the way, I've been doing the X since February 08, and have lost about 20 lbs, while improvinng a lot in other areas. Unfortunately, as with most folks, I haven't been able to devote the time to it now as I did…
  • Thank you everyone for your input... This is new territory for me, since I've always been a low-fat dieter. This was pretty apparent when I went to the supermarket last evening... I just walked around for 20 minutes, not knowing what I could get. Your ideas will go a long way to help me through this. :bigsmile:
  • I've been on a calorie restricted, low fat diet for as long as I can remember. I do lose weight (also due to an active exercise program), but I've always hit a plateau. I've decided to try a low-carb diet, but I'm looking for ideas on acceptable, healthy snacking. Eating is an emotional release for me, and I know I'm going…
  • There's no such thing as spot reduction, that is, in order to lose weight on your stomach you'll have to lose weight across your entire body. Rather than focusing on just ab exercises, I would consider doing cardio at least 3x a week, 45 minutes each. You could start out slow by walking, and then when you're in better…
  • I started my program on February 4, 2008. I made steady progress for a few weeks, then on a Sunday I had a huge meal, which wasn't good because my heavy exercise day is Saturday (so I usually don't worry if I over indulge on Friday). Then Monday for dinner again I went way over my calorie limit. I didn't gain any weight,…
  • You're plateau is a normal part of the process. Even though it's many may hope to continually lose weight every week, it doesn't always work that way for everyone. I know for myself, once I've lost a few pounds, after that I'll stay at that weight for 2, maybe 3 weeks. I've learned though that my body metabolism is…