

  • they tasted...WAY too good to be 56 cal :-) ahh well, have to email them. bummer cos we don't have tofu shirataki in aus i thought this could be good! (we have regular shirataki but it's a bit...y'know)
  • the serving size is one pack (as per the label) - 88g dry weight i'd assume! just cooked it up and it made a HUGE bowl. i just thought, this cant be for real! hmm, may have to contact the company me thinks!
  • technically, science hasn't proven any detrimental effects of artificial seeteners in humans, although we still don't know there effects long term. One study showed that people who consumed diet soda (containing aspartame) every day, actually put on more weight due to overcompensating with calories - when your body senses…
  • agreeing with back in the nines - your medical team is a bit of a let down. i'm currently studying with 9mths to go to being a dietitian - i will add you as a friend and whenever i get any info on hiv and nutrition I will pass it on to you! from the little i know i would suggest this - great on getting the resistance bands…
  • good for you! you've come to the right place! this site has been great helping me stay on track with my eating and exercise - i log everything, even if it's a bad day - still counts ;-) a few things i do that help me - - exercise (pretty much) everyday - i know it sounds insane, but i've done a degree in ex and sports…
  • no i did keep track and I was way off these goals! of course weight loss is dependant on so many different factors. I found I lost very few kgs but many centimetres so it will be different for everyone. also basing projected weight loss on one day's intake seems pretty inaccurate from my point of view! :-)
  • hey spaboleo, sounds like you got a great meal plan going then! Found this article online I found interesting... and this one from a body building site - i would call Slightly less credible and would NEVER drink as much milk as he does -…
  • hey, I have a degree in Exercise Science and Nutrition and did a bit of study on this - the good news is you don't need supplements to get optimum protein for muscle building. There are a few important factors when using protein to help muscle building (you probably already know them), and they are 1. Amount of protein, 2.…
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