andisue50 Member


  • Thanks, @stacicali! After I posted this, I looked some more and found an integrative medicine center in my area and am going to try them out. @bellaa_x0 I agree there's nothing wrong with the doctors offering metformin or other medical interventions. My problem is that I'm on medications, and while they help some, I'm…
  • VegaOne is healthy, although the flavor is a little gritty in my opinion. I really like the ViShape, however it is not the cheapest (I order it on amazon).
  • I feel you. We've been ttc for almost 3 years now. I have gained about 10-15 lbs (was more but got it under control) from the process. I will say that I cannot personally focus on both weight loss and fertility. When we've been doing treatments, I've found it best just to focus on being healthy and making mostly good…
  • Wow, @LolaDeeDaisy23 , that's a lot to take in suddenly! I know my RE suggested we move on to IVF instead of finishing our 3 IUI attempts because of our male factor but I don't think we are ready for that step yet. The doctor just had me on Letrozole, not injectables- I think she tries to avoid injectables because of the…
  • Just had my second IUI this weekend. I had 2 follicles this time vs. just one last time. But we are dealing with both male and female factors. So we will see.
  • Metformin can definitely cause digestion issues. That's why they are having you build up your dosage. If it is the medicine, it should improve. Hopefully the doctor put you on the ER version but if not I would definitely discuss being switched to that as it helps reduce side effects.
  • For me, when they injected the sperm I had some significant cramping and felt a little rough the rest of the day. So it was worse than a pap but definitely not bad. I would agree not really painful just a little uncomfortable.
  • Thanks, KnitOrMiss. I needed that today. Emotional roller coaster is right. And then add all the stupid medications and their side effects. And the wanting to be hopeful but being afraid to because of the months/years of heartbreak you've already experienced. I'm grateful that I have a good support system around me, but…
  • I'm ttc too. Just did IUI with Letrozole/Trigger shot and Progesterone. As far as the pregnancy tests, I know it's a long wait but the trigger shot can cause a false positive so it's really best to wait the full 2 weeks.
  • Anybody have their favorite at home treatments (creams, etc) for the face?
  • There is very little risk of hypoglycemia while taking metformin because of it's mechanism of action. That why it is so frequently/liberally prescribed- the risks of side effects are so low. So you really shouldn't need to worry about it- just keep doing what you are doing!
  • Thank you, kendalslimmer. I've done greek yogurt for breakfast in the past, but also struggling with IBS, so trying to avoid dairy. I believe a lot of the women on here say to avoid dairy from a PCOS standpoint as well?
  • Oh, okay! I've seen that at the store. What a great idea~
  • That sounds yummy. Do you just get filets of fish and cook them?
  • Are you close to ovulation time? I frequently get cysts and they will hurt significantly around the time that I am ovulating but calm down after 3-4 days. Really freaked me out the first couple of times (even went to the ER!) but I know what it is now. Def. go see your doc if the pain is severe or persistent.
    in Ovary pain Comment by andisue50 May 2015
  • Thanks for the suggestions and encouragement, ladies!
  • I've been doing some research, and there are studies showing PCOS is linked to hypothyroidism. Also studies showing PCOS is linked to IBS (something else I deal with- anyone else?). This doesn't really provide any answers, but I just found it interesting that these are all interconnected. Hopefully the treatment/management…
  • Mine was a prescription that is inserted vaginally.
  • Dragonwolf, sounds great. I have an appointment next week so I will definitely talk to her about changing the Inositol/Folate. As far as the progesterone, the doctor did have me take progesterone supplements along with my Clomid/Letrozole rounds. Sorry, should have mentioned that. The side effects of the progesterone SUCKS…
  • Thank you, Dragonwolf! Maybe I will continue pregnitude while TTC but definitely want to try the inositol and see if it provides the same relief from my cramps in the future. My insulin was 3.5 in April and then 5.6 this time. Thank you, ravenstar25 for the response. It's definitely frustrating that things are so gray, not…
  • It is called a subconjunctival hemorrhage. It is like getting a bruise, but because you don't have skin there it looks way worse! It usually occurs with strain (like your lifting!) or in people who are taking blood thinners. It will heal up on its own and as long as you aren't having any pain/discomfort/other symptoms you…
  • I have had a lot of trouble with shin splints. Making sure you have good shoes is very important. I would recommend going to a place where they will actually analyze your stride and fit you with running shoes. Also, don't increase your training too fast. I have trouble with just one side because I have one leg longer than…