New here. Anyone else ttc?



  • LolaDeeDaisy23
    LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
    Took my beta test today. The nurse said they'll call me by 2 with the results, no call. I called them at 3 and they won't have the results until tomorrow. I feel so sad. I started spotting this morning and I took that as my period. I always spot the first day of my period. I also stopped my progesterone suppositories this morning. I told my nurse and she said that it's very common pregnant women spot in their first trimester, so until we know the results, keep taking the progesterone. I appreciate her trying to be positive but I just feel like it's hopeless. I've been feeling crampy the past few days, like as if I am going to start my period soon. Also, all my pregnancy symptoms went away.

    @Emily3907 Two miscarriages... I'm so sorry. That is so devastating. But yes a fertility specialist is much needed. I've had all the tests! My husband's sperm is fine. It's just me with the sucky body/ hormones.
    They also performed the hsg test (god I am glad I never have to do that again) everything looks ok.
    Hopefully you respond to clomid! Moving on to other treatments is so draining, financially and emotionally :disappointed:
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    DO NOT stop the progesterone. You both need it. In my immediate circle, we all spotted throughout the whole pregnancy. One had several periods in her first trimester but still grew a healthy baby boy and she doesn't have PCOS. It's just what happens sometimes. Everyone's different but please don't go against a nurse's advice. It's not just that she's being positive, it's medical.
  • LolaDeeDaisy23
    LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
    They called back. Beta was negative. The spotting I was having turned into full on AF. They want me to come in tomorrow for an ultrasound. RE wants to put me back on injectables, trigger, and wants to try IUI. I'm nervous but excited. I feel like we have a better chance at conceiving with IUI. We'll see.
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    Aww...sorry to hear. I'm having a trigger and IUI this week or early next week depending on how well I responded to the Clomid.

    My son was conceived from my first and only IUI.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I just want to send out hopeful and healing hugs to all of you gals struggling through this hellishly miserable roller coaster of emotions, and I wish you all nothing but the best of luck. It breaks my heart to see these struggles over and over and over again. So...

  • andisue50
    andisue50 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks, KnitOrMiss. I needed that today. Emotional roller coaster is right. And then add all the stupid medications and their side effects. And the wanting to be hopeful but being afraid to because of the months/years of heartbreak you've already experienced. I'm grateful that I have a good support system around me, but they can only sympathize, they don't really understand since they've never gone through it. I am a person that puts my faith in God, but sometimes it's hard even with faith. Okay, I just wanted to post this because I know all you girls are experiencing this craziness, too, and know that you are definitely NOT alone.
  • LolaDeeDaisy23
    LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
    @pineygirl My fingers are crossed for you! Please keep me updated. Sending lots of baby dust your way!
    @KnitOrMiss Thank you so much for your support and kind words❤️
    @andisue50 Hopefully this is your lucky iui! I will be crossing fingers and toes for you and pineygirl! The two week wait is the worst. Stay hopeful! I really believe being positive will bring good things. Try to keep busy to take your mind off the wait.
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    It's IUI day!! I was triggered yesterday with a 27 mm follicle (was 12mm two days ago...WTF?). Also had a 17mm that might pop out too.

    Wish me luck!!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Crossing fingers, tossing pixie dust and salt over my shoulder, and sending warm-fuzzy laden thoughts, energies, and prayers your way! :)
  • LolaDeeDaisy23
    LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
    @pineygirl Sounds promising! Now for the dreaded wait!! Please tell me how the iui process went. Is it like a pap?
    I went for my ultrasound and I have left over cysts from the previous cycle. I'm now on birth control pills for two weeks and from there I'm starting up injectables, then trigger, and then my first iui.
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    This IUI procedure hurt a little more than a pap and a little more than I remember it hurting last time. The doctor used a less flexible catheter then last time and I have a tilted cervix, so he scratched me trying to insert it. And he kept scratching me trying to get the angle right. Finally he gave up and got a more flexible catheter and it didn't hurt much after that. I had a little spotting yesterday.

    The last time I remember it feeling just like a pap. Not really painful, just a little uncomfortable.
  • andisue50
    andisue50 Posts: 26 Member
    For me, when they injected the sperm I had some significant cramping and felt a little rough the rest of the day. So it was worse than a pap but definitely not bad. I would agree not really painful just a little uncomfortable.
  • LolaDeeDaisy23
    LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
    @andisue50 @pineygirl Ladies how are you?? Any updates?
    I just started a new cycle after my cysts cleared up. I'm taking injectables again 100iu for six days and then I go in for another checkup and see where we go from there. The plan is trigger shot and iui!
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member

    Good luck this cycle!!

    I'm also starting a new cycle. Last cycle was a bust. But I really don't mind. I understand it takes a few tries. In an odd way I'm actually relieved.

    I don't struggle with infertility. Actually I deal with the opposite....hyperfertilty. It's super easy for me to get pregnant. Way too easy.

    I've conceived naturally two times within one cycle of TTC. First shot. One other time I conceived on the second cycle. All three were late ovulations (CD25, CD44 and CD29).

    My RE thinks whatever causes me to have delayed ovulation is also causing my uterine lining to not mature properly. It doesn't differentiate between good and bad embryos and it allows things to implant that shouldn't. This is linked to a leutal phase defect even though my leutal phase legnth is normal. And it can be a result of poor egg quality and a weak ovulation and low progesterone levels.

    My son was a Clomid baby conceived on the 3rd cycle of trying (more like normal fertility). It was textbook CD 14 ovulation.

    I think it's harder for me to concieve on Clomid than naturally, and it may be because whatever is normalizing my ovulation pattern is also helping my uterine lining mature properly.

  • andisue50
    andisue50 Posts: 26 Member
    Just had my second IUI this weekend. I had 2 follicles this time vs. just one last time. But we are dealing with both male and female factors. So we will see.
  • LolaDeeDaisy23
    LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
    edited March 2016
    @pineygirl @andisue50 Sooo I went in for my ultrasound checkup (I'm still taking injectables), and my dr said he didn't like the way I was progressing and told me he wants to convert my iui cycle to an ivf cycle!!!!

    Not only was I shocked but it came out of nowhere. The plan was iui, and if it was unsuccessful then maybe another iui? I don't know.

    But the problem is I create too many follicles. My RE said he did not like the way my body was responding to the injectables and I run the risk of hyper stimulating again. Right now I have about 5 follies on my left side and 4 on my right. All growing at the same rate.

    From my understanding, ivf can cost upward of 15k-20k, with retrieval, transfer, and meds. My RE said since my insurance doesn't cover anything, he is willing to give us a huge discount. He will perform the procedure for 5k.

    After having 6 hours to think it over, we decided what the heck, and go for it. I'm taking 150iu, plus a new injection that we have to dilute with water? and then ANOTHER daily injection- which makes 3 injections per day. And then we'll perform trigger shot and then retrieval.

    I'm scared, nervous, excited... a lot of emotions. Too many. I haven't told anyone and I don't want to tell anyone. I told my husband not to tell his family either. I don't know why, but I feel like they'll pass negative judgement about the whole ivf process? I don't know...
    Sorry for the long post, I just need to tell someone what's going on right now.
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    @LolaDeeDaisy23 OMG...that's so exciting...

    Hyperstimulation is more common in women with PCOS. We have more follicles to start with so when we are stimulated we often produce too many. My RE won't even consider letting me use injectables. The ultrasound to show how I was processing with Clomid showed 16 follicles all around 10 to 12mm. Two days later I had 2 dominant follicles. If I were on injectables I could have had way more than two. And I'm not interested in high order multiples...I'm actually nervous about twins, since my last pregancy was a twin pregnancy.

    My RE says if Clomid and IUI doesn't work after 3-4 attempts step is IVF.

    Thats an awesome discount. We're not doing IVF because of the cost.... and if my chance of miscarriage is 75 to 80%....even if I get pregnant with might not result in an actual baby.
  • andisue50
    andisue50 Posts: 26 Member
    Wow, @LolaDeeDaisy23 , that's a lot to take in suddenly! I know my RE suggested we move on to IVF instead of finishing our 3 IUI attempts because of our male factor but I don't think we are ready for that step yet. The doctor just had me on Letrozole, not injectables- I think she tries to avoid injectables because of the risk of overstimulation.

    That is definitely a very good price for IVF. I'm sorry you feel like your family would pass judgement. I don't know your family, but I know that mine has been very encouraging and supportive. They may surprise you. My mother-in-law even encouraged my husband to pursue IUI/treatments when he had reservations which surprised me because she's usually very anti-doctors and medicine.

  • LolaDeeDaisy23
    LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
    Just wanted to keep everyone updated, esp those considering ivf. Tomorrow is egg retrieval day. I'm nervous and excited and so so RELIEVED that I am done taking injections in the belly. I had to take a trigger shot last night and this afternoon. Exactly 12 hours apart. Every day this week I've had to come in for blood tests and ultrasounds. I have about 15 follicles on each ovary. Sizes ranging from 16-24. I'm so damn uncomfortable from the bloating. I feel like my insides are bouncing when I'm walking. I thought it was all in my head until my dr said "oh my, your ovaries have gotten so large they're almost touching. If they're touching, they'd be 'kissing ovaries.'" I'm guessing it's a normal side effect for them to grow this large?
    The plan is to retrieve all the eggs. Fertilize them. Freeze them. And then transfer them in 6-8 weeks, depending on how quickly my ovaries recover.
    I asked them about a "fresh transfer" instead of frozen and the dr said there's a very high risk of hyper stimulating with a fresh cycle bc my body is going through so much. I don't know what to expect tomorrow but I will keep everyone updated! Hopefully all this trouble will bring me my little miracle.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Just wanted to keep everyone updated, esp those considering ivf. Tomorrow is egg retrieval day. I'm nervous and excited and so so RELIEVED that I am done taking injections in the belly. I had to take a trigger shot last night and this afternoon. Exactly 12 hours apart. Every day this week I've had to come in for blood tests and ultrasounds. I have about 15 follicles on each ovary. Sizes ranging from 16-24. I'm so damn uncomfortable from the bloating. I feel like my insides are bouncing when I'm walking. I thought it was all in my head until my dr said "oh my, your ovaries have gotten so large they're almost touching. If they're touching, they'd be 'kissing ovaries.'" I'm guessing it's a normal side effect for them to grow this large?
    The plan is to retrieve all the eggs. Fertilize them. Freeze them. And then transfer them in 6-8 weeks, depending on how quickly my ovaries recover.
    I asked them about a "fresh transfer" instead of frozen and the dr said there's a very high risk of hyper stimulating with a fresh cycle bc my body is going through so much. I don't know what to expect tomorrow but I will keep everyone updated! Hopefully all this trouble will bring me my little miracle.

    Sending nothing but good thoughts and positive energies for everything! (HUGS)