DrSchmincke Member


  • When I was losing rapidly I did get some concerned comments. Some people worried that I had cancer! Others said I looked pale and peaked. Now I am at goal for 5 months and I admit I do look better because my skin has contracted - I have firmed up and got my color back. Now I am amazed to hear the comment that I am "petite"…
  • My nutritionist told me to go no longer than 5 hours without protein. A good snack for me is a low fat cheese stick.
  • I am a year out. Highest weight 222, now 136. Had a lot of temptation and a bit of backsliding over Christmas, all because of simple carbohydrates. I am pushing protein and fluids since the new year and have turned things around. The stomach capacity is less but that underlying carbo addiction will never go away for me.…
  • I am down 85 pounds: 222 to 137. Surprisingly, my actual physical health from day to day hasn't changed. My blood pressure meds are the same. My achy joints are about the same. I expected big changes in both. I was always an exerciser and a vegetable eater. My MD has concluded that my hypertension is just the way I am -…
  • I took a full month off. I thought I could go back after 3 weeks but I really could not. When I did go back, it was on a reduced schedule - I worked from home a lot. I was in decent physical condition at the time of surgery and at BMI=36. I do work long hours at a semi-desk job (60+ hours/week) and I am older (57) but I…
  • Great advice!:smile:
  • I was a 4-espresso-a-day person. I really, really loved my coffee. I did not plan well for surgery, and my surgeon did not tell me to give it up at all. However on Day 2 in hospital I realized my error! I should have given it up before surgery. What happened? I got an enormous throbbing all-consuming headache from caffeine…
  • I don't like the flavor of any of the Unjury products. And, alas for me, I cannot have any chocolate (triggers Migraines). My go-to protein drinks are the Premier Protein pre-made drinks (Vanilla and Strawberry) since they are so handy to stick in my briefcase for work. At home I use Cytosport/Muscle Milk powders, mostly…
  • I looked up that weight loss supplement because you had a heart attack at a very young age. According to the National Institutes of Health (at: http://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/ntp/htdocs/Chem_Background/ExSumPdf/GarciniaCambogiaExt_508.pdf): "According to distributor warning labels, the consumption of Garcinia cambogia extract is…