Going to start stage three tomorrow. It has been a great journey. I didn't know how weight lifting can help burnning the fat around your berry=my problem part. My clothe are getting loser. Wonder how much physical change I can see by the time this program is over. I am looking forward to it.
Done with Stage 2! Here is the stats. FSPP: 45 lbs (bar) => 50 lbs this one took most practice to get it right. stil not sure if I did it right though. I wasn't sure after rasing the bar to the top and bring it down to the shoulder if I was supposed to have my upper arm perpendicular to the floor. but that would seem…
Just finished yesterday and I have AMRAP tomorrow! Over all I have lost about 4 lb in weight but I feel stronger and more energy in everyday movement. I lost one inch around my hipborn circumference too! Here is my finishing stats. Workout A Squat : Start = 40lb Finish = 100lb Push Up : Start = on work bench Finish = floor…
Just started A1 today! My gym was super busy and I couldn't wait for my turn for barbell so I did the squat with dumbbell today. Squat 15lbx2 15 rep 1 set 20lbx2 15 rep 1 set Seated row 30lb 15 rep 1 set 45lb 15 rep 1 set push up on work bench 15 rep 2 set step up on bech BW 15 rep 2 set prone jack knife 8rep 2 set I…
Good for you nancy! I guess I will "woman-up" and go to the bar! I have been doing different program and dumbbell squat with two 25lb so should be ok physically but i will practice with lighter bar so i will get used to the form.
Hello all! I am planning to start the program next month though I am pretty familiar with most of technique but only thing I have never done is the squat with barbel and just wondering did everyone who never worked with barbel was it difficult to master technique? Did you get a personal trainer to show you properly how it…
This seems really popular. I am pretty new to lifting as well. I have been using a proglam from another book called "womens health big book of excercises" for this month but thinking that I want to step it up with former book. Though it is intimidating to go…
My love is for tequila and margarita! I find that the I make the best margarita anyway. Restaurant usually water down sour mix and extra sugar. Now I see a lot of skinny version available at the restaurant so that does help. Ordering the shot probably is a good idea so I don't gulp it down. Good tequilas is usually ment to…
I like your way of thinking. I agree that the whole thing has to fit into your life style to be successful in long run, so I must find a way to enjoy my life as is and still trying to balance intakes of alcohol. I can't think about not having get together for the sake of your diet.
maybe time to get hrm to find out how much I am burning actually. thanks for bringing that to my attention!
"Or I will volunteer to DD so my friends can get wasted and I can still have fun and just stay sober without making them feel awkward." I can use this technique : ) clever!
I almost have a get together with friend or boy friend every week, it is a worst if I am going out with a GF. Because I LOVE to drink and get together.... and it is hard not to when other people are having a drink, I think it is my biggest problem! but I don't want to give up socializing for the sake of dieting. I know I…
I am two weeks in too! It seems like your calorie intake may be too low! They say that if it goes low like 1200 / day your body goes into starvation mode and don't want to release fat that easily. I also recommend doing more strength training for sure. More muscle you have more carorie you burn even when you are sleeping.…