

  • Welcome! It take a little bit to get us to but once you start it is so worth it.... Have fun and keep losing.......:smile:
    in I'm NEW Comment by rebvl February 2010
  • Welcome!!! I just joined recently and it pretty easy to follow... Congrats on the engagement, it is a very exciting time in your life. The best part is being help to hear from other who may be going through the same thing and getting practical advice or suggestion. Stick with it. It will payoff in the end. :smile:
  • My friend who is a trainer and nutritional for years told me to eat more lean protein and drink my water and when ever I am in a crush and just seem to ready to eat the house, she said to eat a handful of almonds you get a protein and a has worked so far. hope that helps. Keep at it. You are changing the way your…
    in carbs! Comment by rebvl January 2010
  • Coach's Oat's with Trader Joe's Gold Roasted Flaxseed and protein.
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