lilrdbrrn66 Member


  • Thanks everyone, I didn't realize my daily journal was private. I made it public now. So maybe someone can look at it and see what I'm doing wrong. I drink ice tea, and water. but i don't count the tea on my diary.
  • I would like to join your support group for over 40. I'm 44, and having trying to lose a lb. I'm losing more inches then weight. It's so fustrating for me. I journal every day, and watch what put in my mouth, but still no Change.....UGH! :sad:
  • I like them. the chocolate crisp is my favorite. It does really work. I eat one before lunch time, and it stay with me the rest of the day. I haven't since any major weight lose yet. But it does keep me from overeating.
  • I'm looking for alot of support, and a walking partner in my area. So if anyone is interested PLEASE get in touch with me. I look forward in getting feed back from everyone. :smile: