A lot to lose & over 40? Lets start a group(20 memebers max



  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    Good Monday morning all! Had my first weigh in this morning and lost 9 lbs!!! I know that alot comes off the first week but I am extremely happy with that. The first week is always the toughest for me and I made it through. Woo Hoo! One week at a time.....
    How was everyone's weekend?

    I'm sure you are happy!! Fantastic start :smile:
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member

    Well this week has been a busy one for me. I had some ups and downs. Since it was my son's March Break we did do a lot of fun things and ate out many times. So my food choices were not the best, but I did get lots of walking in for my exercise. Although my weigh-in day is not until Wed, I did step on the scale this morning and I wasn't happy with my # (up a few pounds) I am hoping that it is because of sodium from all the fast foods and I can at least maintain this week. My plan is to behave and stay under my calories and do my walking and cross my fingers and on Wed the scale will be nice to me.

    Some times it feels like I am on a roller coaster. I try hard not to feel down when that scale doesn't show me what I want to see - but I do know staying under my calories and exercise does work in losing weight. So I made those choices last week ot eat out on high cals and sodium, now I have to deal with them. My head is still on track and I know we all can do this.
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Jolene, Congratulations! What a beautiful baby! I so look forward to the day I become a grandmother!

    Linda, I really know what you mean by being on a roller coaster! I have massive swings from "YES!, I can DO this!" to "Why even bother?" in the same day! I think I am "weightloss bipolar"! Does that make sense? Does anyone else deal with these attitude swings?
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    just a quick run by as i head to the gym....too lazy to go this morning....wish i could get over that cause i know i will feel better after i go. managed to stay on track this weekend despite really wanting to indulge...lost one pound last week...hoping for more of the same this week....more later
    will use my 'batwings' to fly to the gym...
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    just a quick run by as i head to the gym....too lazy to go this morning....wish i could get over that cause i know i will feel better after i go. managed to stay on track this weekend despite really wanting to indulge...lost one pound last week...hoping for more of the same this week....more later
    will use my 'batwings' to fly to the gym...

    Have a good workout Karen! I love the batwings joke! I have them too! :laugh:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    I finally talked myself in to getting up and going to check out the gym. Just as I was about to walk in the door my phone rang. It was my daughter she hit her head at school and wanted me to come pick her up. She is fine. She is my drama queen and made it sound much worse then it was. But I was irritated that I got interupted and didnt get to go to the gym. So later I will have to do an exercise dvd or go for walk if it stops raining.
    And YES I have weightloss bipolar too. Most of the time I am game on and I can and will do this, but if I feel that I have a week where I put in the work and dont see it reflect on the scale then I start thinking is it really worth it? Of course I know it is. All I need to do is remember how bad the fibromyalgia was a yr ago and I know it is worth it.
    Hope everyone is having a great day and able to get their exercise in. I will check back in later.....sheri
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Hi everyone.......I love this group by the way! I have been working all weekend so Im not on here as much as I'd like. I weighed myself today, and even though it is a day early for my weigh in...I havent lost an oz. In fact, Ive gained 4 oz! whats up with that? I think maybe I had my calories set too high. I reset them for less, and I will see if that helps, this coming week. Its rather odd...I think, because Im in my 3rd week, and this is always the week, that I end up quitting because I get discouraged! How can I break that pattern? Good news is....I have now walked 3 days in a row! not long....20 minutes each day, but hey, its better than nothing right? its a start. Just feeling a bit discouraged with the weight this week. I will weigh officially tomorrow and see where Im sitting.

    Someone asked a ? about excess skin. I have that when I am skinnier on my stomach. Its gross. I cant think of any other way to describe it, and Im super self conscious about it. right now...its filled in..so its ok, but once I lose this weight, it'll be there. I wish there was a way to lose it, but Im afraid the only thing that will work is surgery perhaps.

    anyway....I hope we all have a great loss this week. Are we going to have a theme for each day? I wish we could get a list in our email or something...trying to find a post amounst all of these replies is super hard. I would love to have a topic to respond to.

    cheers to losing poundage this week!:drinker:


    Jackie.....Don't give up!!! I know it's discouraging a lot of the time.....especially when the scale is not being nice. When I first joined MFP, my calories were way higher than they are now. I reset my calories almost 400 lower than what MFP recommends. And as inactive as I am, I could probably stand to drop the cals some more. So, resettting yours should help you. Also, how is your water intake......and your sodium? I have serious water retention if I get too mush sodium.
    Anyway....hang in there. My favorite motto is "Keep putting one foot in front of the other". I swear by it.

  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Sorry ladies, I'm out of it today, I'll post a longer post tomorrow (see what I mean?)

    Hugs to you all!
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Good Monday morning all! Had my first weigh in this morning and lost 9 lbs!!! I know that alot comes off the first week but I am extremely happy with that. The first week is always the toughest for me and I made it through. Woo Hoo! One week at a time.....
    How was everyone's weekend?

    YAAAAY MALIAS!!! WOW!!! Congratulation on a great loss!!! I'm so happy for you! Keep up the goo work, girl. And don't forget to drink that water!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    :flowerforyou: ~ PATIENCE ~:flowerforyou:

    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:

    "Patience is the companion of wisdom."

    ONE DAY AT A TIME . . .

    I will learn to patiently and willingly
    do things in time and manner.

    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hello L,

    That is the one thing the gym or healthclub does, it forces us to look at our bodies. Good for you for using the mirrors in a good way. I know this is one thing one of my thearpist made me do is but a mirror for my place. I had mirrors but not full lenght mirrors. It is useful for us to look at the mirrors. One day at a time is all we can do.

    Mollie you are so right. It is very painful to truly 'see' oneself......but I guess thats when we can really begin the work!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hi everyone.......I love this group by the way! I have been working all weekend so Im not on here as much as I'd like. I weighed myself today, and even though it is a day early for my weigh in...I havent lost an oz. In fact, Ive gained 4 oz! whats up with that? I think maybe I had my calories set too high. I reset them for less, and I will see if that helps, this coming week. Its rather odd...I think, because Im in my 3rd week, and this is always the week, that I end up quitting because I get discouraged! How can I break that pattern? Good news is....I have now walked 3 days in a row! not long....20 minutes each day, but hey, its better than nothing right? its a start. Just feeling a bit discouraged with the weight this week. I will weigh officially tomorrow and see where Im sitting.

    Frustrating not loosing, I have been there. Keep at it, some of the posts I have read in the past about these periods of non-loss indicate sometimes it takes 3 weeks for our body to adjust to changes. Well done on the walking, 20 minutes is no small exerise!

    My calories are set to loose 2lb a week and even when I stick to this and do my exercise it doesn't always happen. It is frustrating so I know how you feel! Keep at it!
  • lilrdbrrn66
    lilrdbrrn66 Posts: 7 Member
    I would like to join your support group for over 40. I'm 44, and having trying to lose a lb. I'm losing more inches then weight. It's so fustrating for me. I journal every day, and watch what put in my mouth, but still no Change.....UGH! :sad:
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Good Morning everyone, this is my official end of week 2! Now comes the testing time, I am normally all gungho for 2 weeks then I think oh what the hell.

    I weighed this morning and am the same weight, 13.5 lbs down from my start weight. The logical side of me knows that actually in 2 weeks this is a great loss, the other side of me says "oh it was all water, you have stuck to things well and since last Wednesday the scale has stayed the same so therefore it was all wasted effort blah blah blah...!

    See what the little voice demons do???

    The big difference this time is that I have this group. I WILL not let myself or YOU all down. (that sounded like a PLEDGE to me!)

    The day has started well with some homemade flax cereal(very filling though what a strange texture!), I have a food delivery coming any minute with lots of beautiful fresh produce and it is MONDAY,,,the universal day of new beginnings.

    ***"L", you are amazing, everything that you have going on and you haven't used that as an excuse to weaken or not go to the gym, that lady staring back at you in that gym mirror needs to give herself a big smile .

    12.5lbs in 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is amazing! Wow! It is a great kick start but it is bound to have to settle down soon. You are doing a great job sticking to the low carb diet and yes, it is always hard to keep going but you will get there.

    I lost 9lbs in my first week and then 4lbs in my second. I was all geared up the 3rd week ...... waiting for it to fall away.....but I only lost 1lb....I was so disappointed that I forgot about the achievement of the first 2 weeks and just focussed on what I hadn't lost. Then I remembered that the first 2 weeks didn't just represent what weight I had lost they represent that I had made this amazing committment to myself. That I was turning my life around, that I was working hard for a better, healthier future. This is whaty you have done, are doing. Low carb is hard but you have done the first two weeks!!! There may come a time when you want to expand a little but that won't equal failure, that will be you dipping your toe in a wider range of foods, and that is allowed. You are doing fantastically! (is that a word? lol!)

    Thank you for your kind words, they meant a lot.
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Good Morning Peeps!

    For those who weighed in today and did not lose any or much be encouraged. After the 1st 2 weeks with huge losses your body will need ot adjust. If a stall continues you may want to check your calories intake and/or exercise. Success is not giving up. This journey is all about consistency not perfection. You will have good weeks and bad weeks.

    Think like a toddler learning how to walk. When the start to learn how to walk they fall a hundred times. Do they give up? No they do not, they keep on falling down until they get it right no matter how long it takes them to learn how to walk. We have to think in these same terms when we are learning how to be healthier for life. If you ate right and exercised 3 to 5 days a week for 20 to 30 min a day and did not lose weight, just be patient with yourself and your body.

    Great sense Mollie! So right! Thank you!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    ... and noticed I was up a pound from last week. Needless to say this was not a happy occurrence, especially considering that I have exercised longer and harder this week than at any point in my 4 month journey. However, I know that the scale does not always cooperate, so if I am up tomorrow, I will record it and forget it and just keep moving forward. My clothes are fitting me so much better now. When I started in November, the seams were near bursting and how the clothes are sort of hanging on me. I do not need a number on a scale to tell me that I have improved my condition. So, I will not get discouraged in the morning regardless of what the scale reads!

    L, I am so sorry about your friend! But I am super proud of the progress you have made in your training and using the anger about your condition to kick your workout into overdrive! Great job!

    Frustrating but hang on in there! If you have done the exercise and eaten correctly you have done everything you can for your healthy new life. Your body will catch up soon I am sure. That your clothes are fitting better and you notice how much that has changed is a great indicator that you are moving towards your goal!

    Many thanks for your motivating words, appreciate them!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Good Morning :drinker:

    Voting is finished. Thank you so much for taking the time to vote. 18 members voted and it came down to 12 for Lots to lose and 5 for Geddon and one member voted for majority vote. So we will be sticking with our org name and we will be moving to new CLOSED THREAD this week.

    Thanks for taking the time and sorting this, it is great that everyone had the chance to have their vote!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Good Monday morning all! Had my first weigh in this morning and lost 9 lbs!!! I know that alot comes off the first week but I am extremely happy with that. The first week is always the toughest for me and I made it through. Woo Hoo! One week at a time.....
    How was everyone's weekend?

    Wow, fantastic, well done for the committment you gave to yourself in your first week!!!!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Hello all...i survived the gym (sometimes it is doubtful)...added the rowing machine today...it was great fun but boring after 5 minutes...oh well, at least it is variety

    Jolene- oh my goodness your grandson is adorable. I only have one but i am blessed to have him and his parents live with me

    Mollie- i love you inspriational postings.....patience is definitely not my strong suit

    joanna- we need to replace the voice demons with positive elves who say ' you are a winner, youa re changing your life". You can also beat the demons out with exercise!

    Sheri- i am afraid that i also have the bipolar weight loss thing going

    Sue- hope tomorrow is a better day

    Malias- congrats on your loss!!...remember that this week may not be as big but you are making huge changes in your lifestyle

    L- sending prayers for your friend. It is hard to sit and wait and not have any control over theoutcome. Good job kicking it up at the gym

    Mj- what a victory to have your clothes fitting better!! our success is not always reflected on the scale

    Shelley- i started doing more reps with less weights at the gym as suggested but is somehow feels like i am cheating! I think i am going to ask for a session with a personal trainer for my birthday in may

    Linda- thanks for taking care of the voting for us!

    To those i have missed....keep working strong this week. We are making great changes in our lives that will enable us to live healthier, longer lives!!
    did anyone see the moon on sat?? i saw it here and it was amazingly bright and seemed close enough to touch!

  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Monday Check-in: my weight has stayed the same, again. Taking my new exercise routine into account, my body hasn't had time to adjust to the new level of activity. The nutritionist warned me that this might happen. I'm very proud to say that I got at least some walking done six out of seven days last week. Many of you already that things were a bit rough toward the end of the week. I was able to get back on track within a day of slipping and I'm extremely proud of that.

    Terrific job on the walking! Wishing you some blue skies for your walks this week!
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