A lot to lose & over 40? Lets start a group(20 memebers max



  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Thursday Triump - Just a small one today but here it is one place we went was Tim Hortons (coffee shop) and some of the timmies now have a stonecold ice cream shop inside them. So my son decided he wanted his favoroute ice cream cake creation (something like that) and for me.......drum roll please...................I just watched him enjoy his ice cream and drank my bottle of water I had with me.

    Thank you for all the well wishes you gave me today to have a good day with my son. We did have a great day.
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Oh I am so loving hearing all your stories, I want to thank everyone for being so open. I have loved all the triumphs!! Geddon(as my daughters would say!), we are pretty amazing huh.

    I have had a pretty busy day with visitors and have been out for lunch. I was taken to an old rustic mill besides a river and was very confident in asking for a tailor made low carb salald. The chef obliged and that for me was a triumph. I am a people pleaser I guess and putting anybody out is not my way, but hey I paid a lot of money for those chopped veggies!!

    My other triumph is that I am still here and as focused as ever :)

    Have a lovely evening everyone. x Joanna

    Joanna, Thanks for posting that. I too am a people pleaser , to the extent of always putting my own needs last, and really, really need to start pleasing myself! (you know what I mean! I read that and thought..oh oh! That sounds rather kinky!) Anyway, thanks for the inspiration! Keep up the confidence!
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    @Christy go girl go girl!!

    @ L You are much stronger than I. I do eat sweets once in a great while. If I don't I feel deprived and I will binge. But I always bargin with myself. For example: Self, if you eat right for 8 days, you can have a Wendy's frosty on friday or something else I think I want. I always make myself accomplish a goal first. Weird, but it works for me.

    @katzpawz Good job!

    @ Sara Which heart rate monitor do you have? I've been wanting to buy one. PS: GREAT JOB 65 miles wooohoo!!!

    @Joanne I feel the same way about eating salads out. It should cost half as much as a regular meal. Good job staying on track! That's a feat in itself!

    @Cassie I am sooooo jealous! I wish I could play with my grands today. I miss them so much! Happy St Patty's day!

    @Claudia YUM corned beef tacos. Have you checked out the Hungry Girl Website. I've found it very helpful in figuring out lower calorie "trades" for some of my favorite foods. Good job with the H2O!

    @ Sheri "I am so happy that you can ride bikes with me, you losing weight is one of the best things that has ever happened to our family. " Out of the mouths of babes. I adore that kid!

    @ Mainey Woot Woot!! Great job girl!! baby steps....add up to miles!

    @ Mollie What? we aren't the most important thing in your life??? I can't believe it....KIDDING See you soon!
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Thursday Triump - Just a small one today but here it is one place we went was Tim Hortons (coffee shop) and some of the timmies now have a stonecold ice cream shop inside them. So my son decided he wanted his favoroute ice cream cake creation (something like that) and for me.......drum roll please...................I just watched him enjoy his ice cream and drank my bottle of water I had with me.

    Thank you for all the well wishes you gave me today to have a good day with my son. We did have a great day.

    You are the bomb!!!! * I am standing and clapping* Can you hear me?
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    My Thursday triumph is having exercised for 4 days in a row for the first time ever in my life.

    I decided to try using my bike as a cross trainer today but I couldn't even do it for 1 minute so I went back to using it as a bike. I thought I would up my calorie burn by punching the air at the same time but my HRM kept beeping at me because my heart rate kept going hire than it is meant to be possible. My maximum heart rate possible should be 168 for my age but it was 208 at one point so I went back to just cycling. I did manage to do my half marathon again so that is 65 miles so far this week :bigsmile:

    Wow, this is an amazing achievement, exercising for 4 days in a row ....ever.... congrats!!!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    I am in awe of you guys who go to a gym. I have a YMCA membership and I have not stepped foot in ther yet and I am paying monthly for it.
    Great job at a group response btw. I also will prob remember some real names and use some nicknames along the way.

    Come on now this has got to be a challenge for you to take forward......If I can go to the gym then so can you, lol! You are paying for it so take a deep breath and go, we can exchange 'new-girls-at -the-gym' stories.....So, you gonna think about it!?
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member

    Yep - leadvocalchick is short for singer! Love it love it love it! I've been singing since I could put words together. Music was always a big part of my family. Sang in Swing Choir in school, but I didn't get serious about singing out until a family tragedy pushed me - my ex played drums and his cousin Chris sang/played guitar. When Chris (our best man) passed away suddenly less than 30 days after our wedding, we were beyond devastated. My ex turned to another cousin, Daniel, who played guitar but did not sing, and to music to get thru it. I started by just helping them learn the songs - chorus goes here, bridge goes here, etc. - until someone said 'Hey - you sing in tune and keep good timing, why don't you just sing?'. Ever since then, that's what I've done. :

    Hi, sounds like you really love that you have found your voice. I can so relate to the creativeness of music rising out of traumatic times. My daughter was diagnosed with a tumor in her spine when she was 18 and it was an utter shock as she had been well apart from minor back pain, It took a major operation to remove it from her chest cavity/spine and they weren't sure she would walk after the op but had no option but to do it as the tumor was like an ivy filling every part of her ribs/chest and squeezing her vital organs. She made it through, she walks just fine but she found something else through that experience, her voice. She began writing poems and songs. She started singing one day in the car coming back from a family 'do' and we said 'wow, you can sing'. From that small moment she just took that feeling, that expression through song, and wrote some amazing material for herself,. She started teaching kids in her spare time, those who were from poorer communities, and helped them find a voice from their 'bad' place. Helped them express their feelings through song. She entered a radio station competion here in England and through that met lots of other talented people. That traumatic event opened something that we (she) didn't even know was there. Singing is such a therapeutic, creative and freeing thing. It opens up a part of us that allows us to fly.

    Terrific that you love you singing so much.
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hi everyone! started my day off by over-sleeping and showing up an hour late for work! Not good. anyway, I have to play catch up at work, but I know a few of you asked about calorie cycling. Here's a quck run down:

    Monday: 1426
    Tuesday: 1160
    Thursday: 1426
    Friday: 1283
    Saturday 1568
    Sunday: 1426

    Do this for 3 weeks, then stay at 1400 for entire 4th week, then start all over.

    Thanks for this but...... I am not sure what doing this achieves, sorry if I missed something but would you mind saying why it is good to do this? Thanks!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member

    . By the way, how much imperial is a stone?

    Stone = 14lb (or 6.35kg) x
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Also I picked up my weights today for the first time in I dont know how long. Thanks to all of you for your inspiration! I figured, ok my knees are bad, but there is nothing wring with the upper part of my body so I started doing some arm exercises with my weights. Also I went to the grocery store with my husband and walked around for about 20 minutes. Usually I just send him to get whatr we need. My knees are kinda sore from walking around the supermarket and no doubt my arm\s will be sore tomorrow, but it's worth it, right?

    This is terrific, a great idea using the arm weights. I hope the knees are okay, this sort of small change (walking yourself around supermarket) is what it is all about. My discussion with the trainer at the gym is that pain is not always a sign that you should stop (doctors advice always sought of course if bad), sometimes it is a sign that something is working hard and is having a moan. Keeping going pushes through the moans and makes our body smile again!

    A physio also told me that any injury or problem needs a gradual increase in acitivity. If we always push ourselves too far the injury will flare up and we will completely stop again. If we take it slow, pace ourselves (as boring as that can be!), the injury slowly adjusts, we don't start and stop our exericse and everyone ends up happy (muscles, tendons, tissue and bones)! Well done!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Hi, sounds like you really love that you have found your voice. I can so relate to the creativeness of music rising out of traumatic times. My daughter was diagnosed with a tumor in her spine when she was 18 and it was an utter shock as she had been well apart from minor back pain, ......

    what an amazing story...thanks so much for sharing it

  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Thursday Triump

    One of my co-workers told me yesterday that she could tell I've been losing weight. She said the sweater I wore normally bulges at the waist but was lying flat now. :bigsmile:

    Yaaay Christy! Don't ya love it?
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584

    Thursday Triump reporting: My triump has been going absolutely cold turkey on all my favourate items once I decided to loose weight on that fateful day of 2nd January 2011, the same day I joined this site after my friend Kate recommending it. In summary:

    Before 2nd January 2011: Eating loads of cakes, biscuits, chocolate, sweets, crisps

    2nd January until today (and beyond.....!): Not one cake, not one biscuit, not one piece of chocolate, .......but I have had a few 'low fat' crips (always within my calorie count of course!)

    I think that is a pretty good triump! Can't quite believe I have done it but I have to confess it has been more driven by the fear of getting out of control rather than be being 'saintly',,,,, I am terrified the sugar-monster will get me addicted to bad food again if I have so much as one sugar-loaded item! Lol!

    Hopeful....that's quite a big step going cold turkey on your "danger foods" as I call them. Good job!. I try to stay completely away from my danger foods too......like the things I just have no control with......ya can't eat just one. Keep up the good work.
  • mmiley1111
    mmiley1111 Posts: 36 Member
    Count me in. It is nice to have other people to help you out. I am 50 and need to lost 40lbs. I just joined the site yesterday. Over the last two years I have lost 50lbs and have 40 more to go.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    So right now i have the munchies and would like to eat something other than my allotted snack of carrots......so i came on here for some inspiration...whew...made it past that temptation...thanks all !!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    May I still join this group? I'm over 40 and definitely have a lot left to lose. Plus, this idea sounds terrific!!
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    Thursday Triumph…I had to think on this one but really it is sticking to a diet and exercise plan for the first time in my life and having the mindset that I won’t give up despite any setbacks or bad days!!!

    @Karen…we will help you make that goal so you can get that surgery you need and get out walking. The elliptical takes a lot of the stress off the back, but I find it hard, I can barely last 15 min .

    @Jo…”Twenty Twits”, LMAO…our new group name

    @Amy…”FINALLY learned in my old age (ha!) that it's NOT a diet - it's a life change! Nobody can eat crap, not exercise and be healthy”; so true-this is my new motto! I am so glad to hear you love your job AND get compensated for all the extra you do, that is rare and awesome. Sounds like you keep busy, we will be here to help keep you on track.

    @Linda and MJ..thanks so much for the kind works and encouragement; I know we can all do this together.

    @Sara..wow, you do have a lot to handle but sound like you are doing the best you can and keep yourself well informed. We are here to support you in any way we can.

    @Sue..congrats on cutting back on eating out but every once in a while with some planning is OK! My problem is I don’t do the “plan” part

    WooHoo MJ on sticking with the 20min workouts, every bit helps and soon you will be able to up those minutes.

    @Claudia…thanks for the cycling info, I may just have to try that. Sorry you did not get to make your tacos; hopefully you can find something yummy to replace them

    What an awesome compliment Christy…I bet that made you smile

    @L…wow, amazing dedication

    @Katz…great that you recognized one of your triggers (the muffin) and conquered it

    Thanks for the inspiration Mollie

    Psoriatic Arthritis is a type of arthritis that people with Psoriasis can get…I did not even know I had psoriasis (really bad dry, flaky skin) until I was diagnosed with the arthritis…It was confined to behind my ears and scalp and had been an on/off again thing…I just thought I had periods of dandruff and heat rash behind me ears…go figure

    Congrats on your triumphs Joanne, Gabby, Sheri and Charmaine
    If I missed any one Hugs to you also! :flowerforyou: :love: :heart: :flowerforyou: :love:

    Suggestion for the group….since we still have several people asking to “join” I was wondering if we should just start a new thread…we could name it “A lot to lose…and over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)” to avoid the request and subsequent disappointment. Or we could even go with “Twenty Twits – CLOSED GROUP”.
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823


    I know it is almost over for us USA folks but Happy St. Paddys Day!

    I so love Maxine but the pics won't show, probably because they are copyrighted cartoons or something

    http://s392.photobucket.com/albums/pp4/rkymtccrn/Fun stuff/
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Suggestion for the group….since we still have several people asking to “join” I was wondering if we should just start a new thread…we could name it “A lot to lose…and over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)” to avoid the request and subsequent disappointment. Or we could even go with “Twenty Twits – CLOSED GROUP”.
    Shelly, this may work for some people but even when it says CLOSED GROUP, people will still pop in to ask to join the group. I am in a closed group now and people on occasion still pop in. But I must say they have not done so in a while so this may work. I like this idea, that way CLOSED GROUP, follows the thread forever and we can post the names of ppl in the group on the 1st page. 20 people is a good start and even if some drop off I know at least 10 will be here for the long haul. What do you think Linda??

    I emailed Mike on how to post a excel spreadsheet. He seems to answer emails before he gets to post. I think they are overwhelmed right now. They did not know the site would be so popular. I will let you know when I hear something and I posted the question under FAQ also.

    Good night all!
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Hey everyone! Looks like everyone made it thru the day ok.....read about some interesting triumphs here. My Triumph today is just being here to tell you all about it. My GrandBaby Girl didn't come over today after all. Her Mama wasn't feeling well. So they will come over on the weekend. That's kewl. So I made my corned beef dinner anyway and it was real good. I ate lots more cabbage than corned beef....and only a small amount of potatoes. I like corned beef ok but glad St Patrick's day only comes once a year. Toooo much salt! And I did go for a "drag" around the grocery store today......small bit of exercise there. I usually get my husband to go for me. So this was a good thing.

    Katzpawz~ good job making those muffins count instead of eating them right away.

    AkaDumbo~ When you're not used to it, 4 day in a row participating Is A big deal. Good job, girl. Keep putting one foot in front of the other.

    Joanna~ good job with the salad request.....it's your money....you should have it your way. What's Geddon???

    Gabby~ 17 days consecutively logging....you go girl! Yaaay! You can do this! We can do this!

    Claudia~ good job getting down 12 glasses of water. That's a lot! What's the measurement on your glass? You didn't say. I sooo have a hard time getting down the water.....usually 8 or 10 cups here. I do better if it's Crystal Light or ice tea...something with flavor. Also gotta give it a try with your corned beef tacos. Do you use lettuce or cabbage on the tacos?

    TheMommie~ congrats on the new furniture ! Yaaay!