dordec78 Member


  • Good point. No, I don't weigh things. I also think that fitbit is overestimating how many calories I burn in a day. So there are two things I will have to look into. I just assumed that going from my previous diet full of carbs and sugar and definite over eating, to much smaller portions 3x a day of healthier/more whole…
  • Yeah, I have a 9 year old and 7 year old twins, plus I take care of my mother (who has a host of issues) and I work full time. I figured that was why I was tired all the time, but I feel like it's more than that. I came across a thread that mentioned hypothyroidism and I had almost every single symptom. I hadn't ever…
  • First of all, thank you for all the input! I haven't been to the doctor in several years, so I guess it's time for a checkup! I will bring up my concerns and see what she has to say. I just thought I'd mention it here in the hopes that maybe someone else would say "Ohhh that sounds just like me, here's what I did.." But…
  • Another nerd here!! I'm into X-Files, Fringe, Doctor Who, Firefly, Big Bang Theory, and I'm just getting into Star Trek. I also game a little, but mostly starter level stuff like Sims, Portal, Minecraft and a little WoW. I am also into the retro video games as I still have my original Nintendo, and I still play my PS2 on a…
  • That is great, thank you so much!! It was right on with what my HRM said. Ok, so on the plus side, it seems like I am burning more calories than I thought. On the downside, I am WAY more out of shape than I thought I was (with an average heart rate today between 160-180 while walking at 3 mph and jogging at only 4-4.5 mph)…
  • Yeah, I tend to conveniently forget about sodium too. I'm bad on that. I think I will make that my goal of the month... I really only eat out 2-3 times a month (if that) but I was just wondering, because I know some people who do (for work, for example) like 2-3 times a week. In my case, one or two bad meals a month is no…
  • I'm a mom of 13 month old b/g twins and a (nearly) 4 year old son. And you know what is crazy? I LOST weight after the twins were born without even trying. Then from the time they were 6 months old to a year old, I have gained and gained :( Time to get back into shape so I can keep up with them this summer!!
  • Hello! I'm a new member and a SAHM to a (nearly) 4 year old son and 13 month old b/g twins. I'm not having any issues sticking to my diet, but the exercise is a tough one... Especially when there is 3 feet of snow outside!