

  • Thanks for all the great ideas and support!!! It is much appreciated. I am going out to dinner with my girl friends this week so this will be my test. We are meeting at Bravo's, an Italian restaurant chain, so hopefully I can look up the nutrition guide online so I can plan ahead this time. Wish me luck everyone!!!
  • I do not log daily activity, I do all the same daily stuff I did before MFP so I don't see how it would benefit me. BUT, I am going to log yard work when it gets warmer because I only do that once a week and I know I burn a ton of calories when I'm out doing that.
  • When I started MFP I gave myself one cheat day a week. "Sunday Funday" I called it. I did not work out or eat healthy for any meal. That was a BIG mistake. Not only was I sick all day from eating foods I don't eat anymore. I was feeling very tired, lazy and down. I realized this is just hurting me instead giving me a…
  • ZUMBA is amazing and it is hard. I've taking it for a year now and I just now feel like I can hang with the big dogs. Those girls can BOUNCE out of that class. Leave ZUMBA to the Pro's baby!!!