Eating Out!!

mandylynn79 Posts: 6
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
Okay so I am working hard, eating healthy all week and doing all my workouts. I have lost 12 pounds so far but I find my current issue is every time I meet my friends or family out to dinner I can't seem to have any self control and end up eating at whatever restaurant I am at. For example, I was at my favorite Mexican place tonight. I told myself, "okay, no chips and salsa, beer or margaritas tonight!" What did I have? A half a basket of chips and 2 corona's !!! Granted I worked out an hour today, walked the dog for 45 minutes and mowed my lawn, but still I am getting really discouraged. I feel like anytime I am at work or home I have total self control but as soon as I am at a restaurant, BAMM, its all out the window. I need some helpful tips. Please?!!


  • jcpeters13
    jcpeters13 Posts: 19 Member
    What I always do when I know I'm going out is to try and find something on the menu BEFORE I go that I know I can order. I also count chips out to one serving (which is 12 chips) and make my friends keep the bowl AS FAR AS POSSIBLE from me. It's hard, but you have to just remind yourself why you're doing this!

    Good luck!
  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    my dietician actually said that you should have some cheat days..whether it be on 6 off 1 or something to that effect..But if you don't eat what your craving when you crave it; when you actually eat it you will over eat it..I actually go through almost the same exact thing when i go out..
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Plan for your splurge day/meal whatever. You worked out today and stayed active. 2 beers and some chips on ONE night of the week, aint going to undo your hard work.

    I think the most important thing to remember is, DON'T FEEL BAD ABOUT EATING! If you end up eating a cheeseburger, one night out of the week. GREAT! Make it worth it and don't beat yourself up over it.

    Just my opinion.

  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    As with anything else in life - moderation is the key. You do well in deciding what you want before hand - just work on the follow-through! When I go out, I always know how many calories I have left for the day - and I really do everything I can to stay within that limit. If I drink - it's only one.
  • I actually know exactly how you feel because I absolutely LOVE Mexican food! I've been avoiding going out for dinner, because I know I'll splurge. lol But after I lose the weight that I want to lose, I'll be more lenient with myself!

    You could check the menu out online before you get there to get an idea of their healthier options and then go with that.

    If you want beer, maybe go for a low-carb option if they have one.

    Skip starters/entrees/desserts and just get whatever main option you'd like.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    go and enjoy yourself, but try and have some restraint.

    Dont feel bad over a good meal out with family if its not all the time. Maybe have a look at the menu first and see whats the lowest cal options
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    When I go out to eat (which is rarely), I always try and eat light the rest of the day so I can enjoy whatever I want while out. Since I don't go out to eat very often, it works out well for me. I log everything I eat and move on.
  • kelly6485
    kelly6485 Posts: 78
    I eat pretty much anything I enjoy, it's the only way I am succeeding, the key is to eat in smaller portions and stay under your daily allotted goal, i personally NEVER go over.....i don't agree with "cheat days" because that just sets you up for more "cheat days" , weight loss takes dedication and drive! Good luck =)
  • EmmaB1093
    EmmaB1093 Posts: 11
    I think you should try telling whoever you're going with "I'm only going to eat...(such and such)" or "I'm definitely not going to eat..(such and such)!"
    That will give you some motivation to stick to what you said since you know the person sitting there with you will hold you accountable!
  • zaz936
    zaz936 Posts: 68 Member
    I so understand you! Sometimes, I manage to be very good at restaurants 1 time out of 2. I think that once we fall into have 'just one glass' of beer, wine, etc, we get doomed!!! That's went I seem to let it go. So I try to either allow myself wine/beer and very healthy at restaurant OR have a bit more chips but no alcool.

    I haven't perfected it yet, but it seems to help!
  • Fat4Fuel2
    Fat4Fuel2 Posts: 280 Member
    Have what you want, but in moderation. Also, plan for it. If you look at naturally skinny people, they eat what they want, but they don't eat as much. If you've never noticed it, try it out. Find a skinny person, and take them out to eat. They have what they want, but usually they leave food behind on their plate, and they will probably take longer to eat that amount of food than it takes you to eat your entire plate of food. Savor what you order at the restaurant and channel the skinny person.

    One tip that helps me it to put down my fork and knife inbetween each bite. This slows me down alot. Also, if I cut my meal in half the second I get it, I'll only eat half of it and have another delicious meal for later. As for chips and alcohol? Have a serving of chips and STOP. Eat them slow, and the food might arrive before you finish them. For alocohol, I think food tastes better than a drink unless you can't taste the alcohol.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I ate Mexican last night, too. It's my weakness. I planned ahead and exercised that morning, giving myself some extra calories. Then I helped myself to some of the chips, guacamole, and a couple beers. My new go-to meal at Mexican places is fajitas. It's grilled meats and veggies, so I usually only eat one of the tortillas, and stay away from the cheese, sour cream, etc. Then I juse make sure to drink lots of water because it's all LOADED with sodium.
  • ddelapas
    ddelapas Posts: 22 Member
    I didn't read all the posts so this might be repetitive. The best advice I read in a book and now use regularly is plan what you're going to eat BEFORE you get to the restaurant. Most restaurants have their menu online and a lot of them have the nutritional information. I plan what I'm going to eat before I get there.

    Like last weekend we went to Panera Bread and World of Beer afterwards. I had a salad from Panera and knew what ingredients I wanted them to omit ahead of time (fried wontons) and then two Beck's Light from World of Beer. Lowest (good tasting) calorie beer I could find. I felt good, I wasn't confused, and I didn't beat myself up afterwards. Really relieves the stress of eating out if you do a little research ahead of time :)

    When I can't do that I usually stick to a really safe entree and then I don't always enjoy the experience.
  • Thanks for all the great ideas and support!!! It is much appreciated. I am going out to dinner with my girl friends this week so this will be my test. We are meeting at Bravo's, an Italian restaurant chain, so hopefully I can look up the nutrition guide online so I can plan ahead this time. Wish me luck everyone!!!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Restaurants kill me. And eating at social events too. Also if I have any alcohol, my willpower turns to Jell-O. It's nearly impossible to be "good" all the time, so don't sweat it. As long as you keep dusting yourself off and starting over again you're sure to succeed.

    I do find that my motivation as of late has helped me turn down a happy hour and a potentially gut-bomb dinner. Out of sight out of mind. Don't want to become a recluse or anything but cutting back on my social life has helped, unfortunately.
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