Jacl01 Member


  • Thank you :) It's so easy to just get back into old habits. I'm lucky that I haven't gained the few pounds I have lost back but it's only a matter of time if I can't stick with it. I will definitely try to plan ahead better when going out, and try to enjoy the company of friends versus the food.
  • Reading your post put a lot of things in perspective for me- I am usually a very negative person (on myself), and I usually give up quickly because I don't see results fast enough. Keep on doing what you are doing. You are an inspiration.
  • That's so awesome! Congratulations :) And I love how you said your 1 year tried to copy you- my 2 and half year old was trying to do push ups with me the other day, haha. It's super cute that we have our own mini workout buddies that can make us laugh through the harder moments.
  • Congratulations! You look great, and so happy!
  • Thank you for the responses. I should have expanded on my post a little bit better- I don't feel that I am binge eating because I am somewhat hungry. I am just not necessary making the right food choices because I have the calories available. For example- instead of having some string cheese I chose to have a serving of…
  • That is absolutely amazing! You look great and are an inspiration to others! Keep up the awesome work and you will lose that last 60lbs in no time :)