kstand0053 Member


  • Yeah, I did not go crazy on sweets, even avoided the chcolate pie!! But I did go overboard on delcious food from my Mama! lol... I do feel guilty!!! :( But I got back on track Monday! Like some of ya guys the scale seemed to reflect that I gained 2lbs, but I hope that it was just water/sodium/food weight!
  • Surprisingly, last week my doctor's scale said I have lost more!! LOL!! But I mean it was probably just water weight.. you could possibly of weighted more if it was a dr.'s app later in the day. Or check this out: http://www.livestrong.com/article/29567-normal-body-weight-fluctuation/
  • This! Exactly! :)
  • I love this topic. Because I use to reward myself with food alot. So now, I am aware of it, and I don'd do it any more! I could NEVER EVER reward myself by spending money (getting new clothes...etc)!! LOL It is comical and painful for me,( these things are expensive!) Therefore my reward is NO CLEANING!!! WOOT WOOT!!! I…
  • I love my fitbit! It syncs with myfitnesspal!!!! I have the fitbit flex! It even tracks your sleep!! If you enter in your weight and body fat percentage it will graph it, and tell you how much of your body is fat vs lean muscle!
  • I don't miss really anything. EXCPET, I use to dump cheese on food, and not think about how much I was adding. But know I am careful to stay within my limits, but still kinda miss that.......especially the gooey cheddar!
  • hahaha....most "advice" on yahoo articles.
  • Very simple answer to this: Stop looking at your weight and measure your body fat percentage! Measure it every 4 weeks, and track your progress this way. (At least my trainer measures it every 4wks) Since you have a trainer she SHOULD have a way to measure your body fat.
  • It is good advice to find what you love doing! I HATE running....or cardio in general. What worked for me is strength training/weight lifting! I always thought that it would make me look blucky* but that is a LIE! It tones you, and when you build muscle, the muscle helps burn fat when you are not doing anything!
  • Ok, so I will offer some actually advice on this subject. When I feel a craving coming on, (because I do NOT feel like I am an ADDICT for sugar, but I do get CRAZY cravings, and I think alot of PMSing women can relate) I look for alternatives, BEST advice you will get on the CURVES complete program! Instead of a Phillsbury…
    in Sugar Comment by kstand0053 March 2014
  • BMI is a measurement tool that is so cheap and easy; and that is why I don't see it going away any time soon. Measuring body fat % is so much more accurate! I really do wish they would classify more people based up their body fat percentage. But think about this........ how many people would be classified as "obese" if…
  • This happens! Go with it! Try your best to make healthy choices, but don't beat yourself up if you slip up! I understand that some restaurants do not even offer a healthy choice...I am thinking about five guys... happened to me this weekend because that is where my friends wanted to go..but instead of having a regular…
  • Buy fresh Salad or spinach-add a lean protein, chicken, tuna, or beans. Buy in bluck and save. Use salad vinegar instead of salad dressing. Peanut butter sandwhiches are yummy also, especially with a banna on it! Make tuna/chicken salad- (use common sense, and use healthy ingredients) Even though they are high in sodium, I…
  • Meh, I started out with Natural PB when I first started my weight loss journey, but I didn't really like the taste. I switched back to regular. Whatever! My trainer says its ok, and I've lost 29 pounds since Oct. so I say do what you want!
  • I get the Ballpark LEAN franks. Only 5 grams of fat for one, and then pair it with a 100% whole grain bun (I prefer Kroger Brand, but any is good)