HELP - muscle weight?

I started my programme on Jan25th - I am two months in - loss was 15lbs. For the past 10-14 days - I have lost zero - in fact, have gained two lbs.
My waist, chest and hips are all the same - no change.
I have weighed myself for a few days - not just a one off - nope - def a gain.
Every day since I started I have been on my treadmill. I use a fit bit and have been logging daily, with the exception of three days in total - I have been well within my calories input/output allowance.
I have a history of problems with weight loss - always goes - lose lose lose lose - gain gain gain :(
This time I have taken a whole new approach, very positive, and no fad dieting.
I have a personal trainer - but I am only 3 weeks in with her (1.5 hour session per week)
The other night - you know that sleepy point where you suddenly awaken with a fright? I felt a lump in my leg - kind of freaked me a bit - so got up to check it. Yup - a huge lump at the back of my leg above the inside of my knee but not at thigh height - lower - but above back of leg. Checked the other leg - sure enough - another lump (am I really that blonde?)
Yup - MUSCLE!!!
They are seriously hard - I have never as long as I can remember - had firm muscle in my legs..
all new to me -
So - question is? Would this equate to my weight gain? How much does muscle weigh?
Or is my diet on a losing streak? Have I lost the course?
And what has developed that particular muscle? Would it be the treadmill?
Sorry I am a bit thick identifying muscle??
It cant be the personal trainer sessions yet huh?
Ive been really down this past week not losing any lbs :(
And as I say, no sign of inch loss (was the only measurements I took) in waist, hips or chest.
Totally bummed off at the scales :(
HELP - and sorry if my questions are ridiculous! :embarassed:


  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    You probably HAVE put on some muscle from the exercise you are doing!

    I wouldn't worry so much on the scale, as you could weigh even more, but look smaller and be more toned. Your body will change size/shape.

    Take photos, Go by how you look and feel, How your clothes hang/fit on you.

    Keep taking measurements and see if they reduce over a period of weeks, months etc.

    Don't give up, stick at it.

    The scale is evil at times, can be up and down which will drive you insane, and of course make you miserable.

    Don't let a 'NUMBER' determine how you feel, or upset you.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    From your description, those "lumps" could also be cysts (common behind the knee). You might want to get them checked out.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    sorry you can't gain muscle using a treadmill...nor can you gain it at a deficet.

    weight loss is not linear...not losing weight for a week is nothing serious.
  • selfepidemic1
    selfepidemic1 Posts: 159 Member
    When your muscles are used, your body will need to repair it. This is done by holding onto water in the muscles.

    I wouldn't get too flustered, though I know why you would and it does suck, but 2lbs is so tiny, its not worth worrying about.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    sorry you can't gain muscle using a treadmill...nor can you gain it at a deficet.

    weight loss is not linear...not losing weight for a week is nothing serious.


    Give it more time....maybe switch up your workout in a couple weeks .
  • avm1962
    avm1962 Posts: 32
    From your description, those "lumps" could also be cysts (common behind the knee). You might want to get them checked out.

    No - this is def muscle - its not behind the knee - higher up and is def muscle - just not sure how I got there :-)
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    From your description, those "lumps" could also be cysts (common behind the knee). You might want to get them checked out.

    No - this is def muscle - its not behind the knee - higher up and is def muscle - just not sure how I got there :-)

    But your 2 lb gain isn't you gaining muscle. You may be seeing your muscles clearer cuz your fat is leaving, but you are not "gaining muscle"

    It's probably water retention.
  • avm1962
    avm1962 Posts: 32
    sorry you can't gain muscle using a treadmill...nor can you gain it at a deficet.

    weight loss is not linear...not losing weight for a week is nothing serious.

    Now I am puzzled - dont know how else I have managed to get myself muscly legs - I could only put it down to the treadmill - its DEF muscle - thats 100% sure - just cant figure how I got them being that I have only been doing weight and stength training for three weeks but figured my power walking had done it ...
    mystery - will ask my trainer next week see what she thinks.

    And no - to me - a no loss for ten - 14 days is very very very depressing... might not be an issue to others - to me its a crisis and gets me very down..
  • avm1962
    avm1962 Posts: 32
    I am on permanent diuretics (from doc) so I dont figure its water either

    If you are all correct - its not muscle gain and its not water - then only one answer - its fat :'(
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    IF you did gain muscle, and that is an IF ...

    Then you must be eating at a surplus and not a deficit.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    But you know what, who cares? do you look like you are gaining weight? do you feel different?

    Your legs are showing muscle...that is awesome! Keep it up!

    Your weight will fluctuate no matter the person or the circumstances.

    Keep it up, the scale will budge.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    sorry you can't gain muscle using a treadmill...nor can you gain it at a deficet.

    weight loss is not linear...not losing weight for a week is nothing serious.

    Now I am puzzled - dont know how else I have managed to get myself muscly legs - I could only put it down to the treadmill - its DEF muscle - thats 100% sure - just cant figure how I got them being that I have only been doing weight and stength training for three weeks but figured my power walking had done it ...
    mystery - will ask my trainer next week see what she thinks.

    And no - to me - a no loss for ten - 14 days is very very very depressing... might not be an issue to others - to me its a crisis and gets me very down..

    It does sound like you have gained some muscle, and yes it CAN happen with running, if you are new to it. It sounds to me like you are not in a calorie deficit though, if you really have gained muscle.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    From your description, those "lumps" could also be cysts (common behind the knee). You might want to get them checked out.

    No - this is def muscle - its not behind the knee - higher up and is def muscle - just not sure how I got there :-)

    Those are your hamstrings. :smile:
  • EmbraceTheDarkSide
    EmbraceTheDarkSide Posts: 514 Member
    sorry you can't gain muscle using a treadmill...nor can you gain it at a deficet.

    weight loss is not linear...not losing weight for a week is nothing serious.

    this is so wrong... so so wrong.

    You can DEFINITELY "gain muscle" through running. It all depends on the intensity of the run... Cardio will burn calories but running, like any exercise, has a strength component.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    sorry you can't gain muscle using a treadmill...nor can you gain it at a deficet.

    weight loss is not linear...not losing weight for a week is nothing serious.

    this is so wrong... so so wrong.

    You can DEFINITELY "gain muscle" through running. It all depends on the intensity of the run... Cardio will burn calories but running, like any exercise, has a strength component.

    Okay sure a woman who is eating at a deficet who is running on a treadmill has suddenly gained 2lbs of muscle in 2weeks...after 15 weeks of the same program...
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Every day since I started I have been on my treadmill.

    What sort of session are you doing on the treadmill?
    I have a personal trainer - but I am only 3 weeks in with her

    And again, what sort of sessions are you doing?
    So - question is? Would this equate to my weight gain? How much does muscle weigh?

    While any weight bearing exercise will help retain and preserve lean mass it's unlikely that you've gained any significant muscle mass in the short time that you're talking about. It's more likely that the weight loss is exposing the underlying muscle to you.

    Cycling is also a cardiovasular exercise that can have a sigificant resistance effect, subject to how the bike is configured, and can help preserve the lean mass in the legs and trunk. You're unlikely to get much from a stationary bike, that's going to come from getting out on the road or trails.

    In general, weight loss isn't linear, you'll adapt, there are periods where you'll lose faster than planned, and periods slower than planned. You may need to look at other potential effects, and if your PT is doing a lot of resistance work with you then I'd agree with the point above that it's more likely to be water retention as you're using a new exercise routine.

    Any weight bearing exercise is beneficial, but I'd caution against attributing any miraculous gains to anything specific :)
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    From your description, those "lumps" could also be cysts (common behind the knee). You might want to get them checked out.

    No - this is def muscle - its not behind the knee - higher up and is def muscle - just not sure how I got there :-)

    Those are your hamstrings. :smile:

    thats what i was going to say
  • kstand0053
    kstand0053 Posts: 15 Member
    Very simple answer to this: Stop looking at your weight and measure your body fat percentage! Measure it every 4 weeks, and track your progress this way. (At least my trainer measures it every 4wks) Since you have a trainer she SHOULD have a way to measure your body fat.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    When you start a new exercise program, you can get small newbie muscle gains. You didn't gain 2 pounds of muscle in 2 weeks. That's a giant muscle gain that women don't see, even if they're lifting massively heavy weights and eating at a surplus. You probably just burned off some of the fat that was covering your hamstrings so you can see them now.

    2 pounds is within normal fluctuation range, and staying at the same weight for 2 weeks is totally normal during weight loss. You can expect that to happen again, probably more than once. If you still don't see a loss after 4 weeks, you need to either adjust your intake or increase your exercise. If you panic every time the scale stalls for a week or two, you're going to be very frustrated very quickly.
  • avm1962
    avm1962 Posts: 32
    I wasnt saying I gained 2lb of muscle in two weeks - I was meaning since I started two months ago.
    Maybe it is just that as someone said - I have lost fat around those muscles and all of a suidden I can feel them.
    I just feel myself they are "new" to me -
    never mind - no worries -
    will stick with the programme -
    I am just bummed that in two weeks of ACCURATELY logging foods and calorie output i have not lost anything - I guess I was hoping that muscle weight would have been the answer but clearly its not - it is just the simple fact I am stuck :(
    I am tracking with a fitbit - I dont log MFP exercise calories as it always seems too much - I go by my fitbit
    I have been stuck now - and no inch loss either -
    we shall see -
    just a tad bummed off :(
    sorry for whining :embarassed:

    I will ask my trainer see what she says on Monday .
    Thanks everyone for your input :flowerforyou: