Addictive personality



  • I don't think trading one addiction for another is ever a good thing. In my experience, you need to get to the root cause of what's causing your addiction before you jump to another one.

    If you get addicted to exercise, it will become your life and you'll be stuck in the same unhealthy patterns that you are when you're deep in an addiction.

    Maybe addicted is a bit of a strong word. I get into things may have been better. lol
  • healthyplans
    healthyplans Posts: 134 Member
    Exercise certainly can become addictive!!!! I'm sure there are people that can tell you the scientific reasons why---I will just tell my reasons: There is something exciting about being able to lift something that used to be too heavy! When I run (or jog) I am by myself usually and my mind can wander and relax. When muscles start showing, it is very satisfying knowing that it was your hard work that put them there!!! And lastly, I know there is a chemical released when we exercise--you do get addicted to that feeling-- it is a good feeling. :)
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    ME!! I am the same way (addictive personality) and when I started running in September, I definitely got addicted. I can't skip 3 or 4 days of it because I miss it!
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I have heard running is terrible on your body

    You have heard incorrectly.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I have heard running is terrible on your body

    I've heard Facebooking is terrible for your butt
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member TV show? Sure, let see ALL the episodes in one night. I swear I get obsessed easily. :P
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    Doing anything to music helps motivate me. I love doing Zumba classes at my local Y! Happy, Happy!! Start with Zumba Gold if you can. Or get a Zumba DVD from your local library to try it at home. The important thing is to not wait until you think you have found the perfect exercise. Just start moving more. Now! At first it may seem difficult and maybe tiring, but you will soon begin to enjoy the results! Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • kstand0053
    kstand0053 Posts: 15 Member
    It is good advice to find what you love doing! I HATE running....or cardio in general. What worked for me is strength training/weight lifting! I always thought that it would make me look blucky* but that is a LIE! It tones you, and when you build muscle, the muscle helps burn fat when you are not doing anything!
  • I wanted to do Zumba so bad! It looks so fun! I got the DVDs and I am so uncoordinated. Instead of laughing and keep moving I get all pissed off and quit.
  • [/quote]

    I've heard Facebooking is terrible for your butt
    THAT is hilarious!....and true!
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    I have heard running is terrible on your body

    I hear it's terrible to eat a whole pizza on your own but hey I've done it and guess what I survived. Don't believe everything you hear, sure you can injure yourself but that's the same with anything, I hear Joe Bloggs dropped some weights on his toes would this stop you doing weights ???

    It's all trial and error, I'm sure you'll find something eventually but make up your own mind on it don't go purely on what you've heard be it good or bad.
  • HornedFrogPride
    HornedFrogPride Posts: 283 Member
    Yes, I'm addicted to running. Running is AWESOME for your whole body! Get it right people!
  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    I recently started a Couch to 5k trainer via my iPhone (found a $3 app & bought it).

    I never thought I would enjoy running at all. I even prefer the treadmill to outside running but I still enjoy running outside. I'm very strongly considering signing up for the Super Hero 5k in Jacksonville, FL this year.

    Also I have worked out every single day this year in one way shape or form. I started P90X3 January 1st and if I missed a day I double up the next day doing a Morning / Evening split.

    Let me say being "addicted" to exercise is amazing. I started in January not being able to do a set of 10 pushups and now I can do sets of 10 pushups...all kinds...wide, military, staggered, etc.

    So yes, I do have that addictive type personality. :]
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    i have an addictive personality too however i have not yet become addicted to exercise :)
  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    I wanted to do Zumba so bad! It looks so fun! I got the DVDs and I am so uncoordinated. Instead of laughing and keep moving I get all pissed off and quit.

    I used to do Zumba with my wife on the Wii. Trust me I'm beyond uncoordinated but after two weeks of doing it I started to get the steps down and it turned from "Oh wow I can't do that this **** SUCKS!" to "Hey check me swinging my man hips around!"

    Just remember practice makes perfect and your body will adjust to whatever you're trying to get better at.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I wanted to do Zumba so bad! It looks so fun! I got the DVDs and I am so uncoordinated. Instead of laughing and keep moving I get all pissed off and quit.

    OP, you really like your excuses, dont you?
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    It has happened to me. I, as well, have an addictive poersonality. and I am addicted to the gym.
  • [/quote]

    OP, you really like your excuses, dont you?

    I suppose you are right.
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    Until you want to do it no one can make you do it.......

    You heard running is bad so you won't do it. You are uncoordinated so that takes out most instructional exercises.....

    I am THE most uncoordinated person on the planet and other than when I was sick this weekend I workout or walk every day ... I have stress fractures in both feet and a torn rotator cuff and I keep going... I do the dance workouts and I can never get the steps right but I keep moving because I realized the worse thing is dying young.... Which is where I was headed.... So I can sit around and have a pity party for myself and find any excuse not to do it or I can get up and save my life!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I think someone above used a good term, better than addictive: routine. I get up pretty early to exercise before work, otherwise it wouldn't get done. I would never use the word "addicted" to describe how I feel about doing this. :headshake nope: But it *has* become routine. And while I don't enjoy rising early, sweating, aching, etc I do enjoy *very* much the feeling of accomplishment when I am able to up my weights or do more squats, or even just the electric/energetic feeling in my skin and muscles when I'm done. I'm not addicted, not at all, but I do enjoy my routine and its benefits.