

  • Looks a bit dodgy, I would actually be afraid it would actually break my printer... You can get them printed though, like this place: http://print24.com/uk/product/sticky-notes/
  • Only thing to do is to try tone the muscles in the area but you cannot lose fat locally im afraid. But I would keep at it, it might be that your body balances it natutally eventually. :)
  • Makes a big difference where you buy your fish from, some supermarkets can be quite epensive you buy just one slice at a time.. I myself like salmon a lot so I usually buy at least 700 grams at a time and usually get it quite cheap straight from fish shops.
    in FISH Comment by bumdo October 2014
  • I think variety is really important, and you do that and eat healthy you will reach the protein amounts naturally.
  • Thank yea thats what I wanted to her. I dont mind paying something but i want to know the total cost in the beginning and not havin to buy more functions later.
  • Thanks for the replies guys. And sorry Bob, I should have specified that I wanted an iPhone app. And Maria, i just downloaded both these on my phone, thanks for the tip! Will have a look. Have you tried fitness buddy? Seems to be popular: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/fitness-buddy-1700+-exercise/id443646748?mt=8 One…
  • Haha coolest question ever! And yea also, not being overweight is not the same thing as being fit. You can be thin and in bad shape at the same time.
  • It sort of sounds like you know what you should be eating and what not but its just a matter of controlling yourself :P I know its so tempting, I used to work in a restaurant as well, but I made a rule that I would never eat anything but healthy lunch there. A donut/cookie plus soft drink plus something else a day will…
  • Good luck Kay, keep the spirits up :)