cece_lily Member


  • I hear men at the gym talk crap like that all the time, but as long as it's not directed at me, I just ignore them. I figure that if I speak up whenever someone pisses me off (I have a bit of a temper), at one point I'm going to get in trouble for it, so unless it's really awful, I try to let it wash over me. That said,…
  • I do planks on my forearms (straight arms are too easy), and then stretch out an arm and the opposite leg so I only have one arm and one foot touching the floor. It's hard, but satisfying, and people are always amazed, ha.
    in Planking Comment by cece_lily March 2014
  • I have a similar problem, I also get pain in my right hip, and I'm struggling to tell if it's the muscle or joint. When it happened the first time, I found it got better when I made sure that my stance wasn't too wide when squatting, and I dropped the weight on the bar down to make sure my form was completely correct. I…
  • I read the new rules of lifting for women, and then started following the strong lifts program (much simpler than nrlfw). I'm so pleased with my decision to start lifting, I'm sure you will be too!
  • I like the feeling of being strong, and moving up to higher weights. It always used to irritate me that I couldn't do a proper push up, and now I can do a whole bunch of them!
  • Thanks all, your input was really helpful - I tried breathing like you all suggested yesterday and it was much better, felt a lot less like I was going to pass out!