Ladies How to start heavy lifting?

Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
I am having trouble deciding how to get into heavy lifting. I know that I want to but I am a beginner. I know everyone has to start somewhere but I am lost. I started a class called body pump which does a cardio lifting routine- not exactly what I am looking for but it does have the movements of squats deadlifts and bicep curls and I figured I have someone there to help me learn the form of those basic movements. Now I don't know where to go from there.

Everyone was once a beginner but I feel a little lost because I don't know any girls who are interested in lifting- or have done it in the past. When I started running I could reach out to friends who were runners and it was very helpful. I am just wondering how to do this on my own...

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


  • Yanks1996
    Yanks1996 Posts: 28 Member
    When I decided to start heavy lifting I knew nothing at all. I read the book New Rules of Lifting for Women cover to cover and learned a lot. I've been following the program in the book for about two months and am really enjoying it.
  • KendraA89
    KendraA89 Posts: 19
    Google On the site sign up on "bodyspace". (Its free). This is where I began to start lifting weights. I was completely lost before and am still a beginner as well but have a plan for every day now...
    You can pick a program, add it to your calendar, and if you have access to a gym, you can start lifting weights to target different parts of the body.
    I started with this program: Jamie Eason's Livefit Trainer... It shows pictures,videos and a description of each exercise so you're not wandering around the gym or youtubing every exercise trying to figure out what it is you're supposed to be doing.
    I also do Insanity at home in the morning and do about 30 minutes of cardio at the gym split up before and after my weight lifting...
    If you have any questions about it, let me know :)
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Crossfit.... one year later... still loving it!
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I am having trouble deciding how to get into heavy lifting. I know that I want to but I am a beginner. I know everyone has to start somewhere but I am lost. I started a class called body pump which does a cardio lifting routine- not exactly what I am looking for but it does have the movements of squats deadlifts and bicep curls and I figured I have someone there to help me learn the form of those basic movements. Now I don't know where to go from there.

    Everyone was once a beginner but I feel a little lost because I don't know any girls who are interested in lifting- or have done it in the past. When I started running I could reach out to friends who were runners and it was very helpful. I am just wondering how to do this on my own...

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

    I started with reading the book, "Starting Strength" (get it on Amazon). Then, I watched lifting vids on YouTube. I joined the Eat, Train, Progress group on MFP. I read all of the stickies, there. I searched a lot on MFP and google. Then, I went to the gym and started with the Olympic bar on Squats and deadlifts and the standard bar on Overhead presses. I followed the StrongLifts 5x5 routine, every other day, for about a month, until I felt like I wanted to add more to my routine. Then, I switched to a PHUL routine, which I love!

    Somewhere in all of this, I also switched to matters!

    Just remember to warm up your muscles prior to working out, use foam rollers and medicine balls for soreness, and above all: FORM. FORM. FORM! If you have crap form, you can hurt yourself, and you won't progress properly. Take vids to evaluate your form, and post them on ETP, if necessary.

    I'm about 2.5 months in, and I'm hooked. You CAN do this. It is awesome!
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    For me my personal trainers have been invaluable although I do acknowledge that finding a good one is a major challenge in some areas
  • cece_lily
    cece_lily Posts: 8 Member
    I read the new rules of lifting for women, and then started following the strong lifts program (much simpler than nrlfw). I'm so pleased with my decision to start lifting, I'm sure you will be too!
  • OverDoIt
    OverDoIt Posts: 332 Member
    Body pump is a good program. Increase the weight. Crossfit is also fantastic, but be careful there are alot of "trainers" that have no business "training" people. We all have to start somewhere. What many people consider lifting "heavy" is not "heavy". Heavy lifting is loads that allow no more than 6 controlled reps. True training for heavy lifting can be achieved by anyone using a conjugate curve protocol. This simply means training @ 50, 60, 70 80% then 5th week 100% max. This type of training will guarantee you are always getting strong. I wish you the best, follow your heart and pick the path that you feel you need to walk down.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    Body pump is a good program. Increase the weight. Crossfit is also fantastic, but be careful there are alot of "trainers" that have no business "training" people. We all have to start somewhere. What many people consider lifting "heavy" is not "heavy". Heavy lifting is loads that allow no more than 6 controlled reps. True training for heavy lifting can be achieved by anyone using a conjugate curve protocol. This simply means training @ 50, 60, 70 80% then 5th week 100% max. This type of training will guarantee you are always getting strong. I wish you the best, follow your heart and pick the path that you feel you need to walk down.

    Thank you for that info. I have done some research and that is some new info I didnt read about yet...
    I will do my best to figure out whats best for me...I just dont know enough yet to know if that makes any sort of sense.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    Thank you I know I CAN!!! I am just a planner trying to get my plans together and get some ideas... Its just nice to be able to bounce ideas off people to see what they think thats why I like MFP Boards
  • Kabuhtu
    Kabuhtu Posts: 85 Member
    I also had NO idea where to start. So, I hit the books and decided on New Rules Of Lifting For Women. Its great. BUT I have chosen to start a new program only a few days into stage 2 because I am spending way to much time at the gym. 5-10 minutes in the locker room, 15 minutes warm up, 30 minutes-1 hour of lifting depending on how long I have to wait for/search for equipment. Then they add more in stage 2 which is another 15-20 minutes every other workout. Then go back to the locker room, leave and get my child from the sitter's...

    Needless to say, I have chosen to do a simpler program. Havent decided if its going to be Stronglifts or starting strength yet but I do know that I am going to miss all the different lifts in New Rules. The others seem bland and I am bound to get bored. BUT if you have the time I woulf definitely recommend NROL4W. You can get the book anywhere really... Even on torrents, not that I would encourage such criminal behavior... Good luck!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    strong lifts
    starting strength
    new rules of lifting
    strong curves

    all great places to start.

    past that- after picking a program you're picking stuff up and putting it down.

    then- go forth- be fabulous!!!!
  • marleezaneshylo
    marleezaneshylo Posts: 10 Member
    I agree with the Body Pump classes, I have Beachbody's Les Mills and LOVE IT!! I also take a cross-fit style class 2x-3x a week. Strong is the NEW Skinny!
  • MzHornedOne
    MzHornedOne Posts: 71 Member
    I suggest getting the book "New Rules of Lifting for Women"

    It lays out everything you need to know and gives you stages for workouts.

    I am doing it and have lost an inch and a half off my stomach in one month. I only workout 2-3 days a week and I eat 1800 calories at day-250 extra on the days I work out. I feel great and its changed my life.

    The book took me less than a day to read and that was while I was watching my 10 month old.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I agree with the Body Pump classes, I have Beachbody's Les Mills and LOVE IT!! I also take a cross-fit style class 2x-3x a week. Strong is the NEW Skinny!
    Note of clarification:
    body pump isn't heavy lifting- it's a great cardio workout with light resistance but it does not qualify as heavy lifting.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I also had NO idea where to start. So, I hit the books and decided on New Rules Of Lifting For Women. Its great. BUT I have chosen to start a new program only a few days into stage 2 because I am spending way to much time at the gym. 5-10 minutes in the locker room, 15 minutes warm up, 30 minutes-1 hour of lifting depending on how long I have to wait for/search for equipment. Then they add more in stage 2 which is another 15-20 minutes every other workout. Then go back to the locker room, leave and get my child from the sitter's...

    Needless to say, I have chosen to do a simpler program. Havent decided if its going to be Stronglifts or starting strength yet but I do know that I am going to miss all the different lifts in New Rules. The others seem bland and I am bound to get bored. BUT if you have the time I woulf definitely recommend NROL4W. You can get the book anywhere really... Even on torrents, not that I would encourage such criminal behavior... Good luck!

    LOL! Love the Sweetie Brown pic!
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I agree with the Body Pump classes, I have Beachbody's Les Mills and LOVE IT!! I also take a cross-fit style class 2x-3x a week. Strong is the NEW Skinny!
    Note of clarification:
    body pump isn't heavy lifting- it's a great cardio workout with light resistance but it does not qualify as heavy lifting.

    ^^I second that.
  • sianquin
    sianquin Posts: 86 Member
    I love bodypump! but most I do is 10kgs, its far too many reps and far too little recover for anything heavy.

    Ask in your gym, they usually do one off consultations and it is in there interest that you have the correct form and don't injury yourself on they're premises.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    I agree with the Body Pump classes, I have Beachbody's Les Mills and LOVE IT!! I also take a cross-fit style class 2x-3x a week. Strong is the NEW Skinny!
    Note of clarification:
    body pump isn't heavy lifting- it's a great cardio workout with light resistance but it does not qualify as heavy lifting.

    I know it is not heavy lifting...the point was getting into something that goes through the motions to learn FORM.
  • MissB46
    MissB46 Posts: 143 Member
    I am doing 5x5 Stronglifts at the moment...this program goes pretty much back to basics and starts off with relatively light weights.....