Daphnerose86 Member


  • TOPIC: Lose 5lbs in September Open Group Sat 09/13/14 11:37 PM SW: 203 CW: 199 GW: 196 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (9/01 Monday): n/a 9/06 Sat: n/a 9/13 Sat: 198 9/20 Sat: 197.2 9/27 Sat: 195.2 End of Month (9/30 Tue): Total Lost: 8lbs!! and over my goal! I can't believe it! :) I weighed myself yesterday and it said…
  • If you're uncomfortable I'd always go get a second opinion. Is this your primary care doctor or a physician who specializes in eating disorders? If it's your primary care I'd say you might be reading into it a little but if it's the latter I'd probably check out what someone else would say. I think what he might have meant…
  • That's really interesting advice. I've never even thought of a hypnotist. I was thinking more behavioral/cognitive therapy. I'm gonna research that. On a side bar. Most professionals in therapy have gone through some sort of traumatic experience or depression. Most found a way out of it and felt passionate about helping…
  • TOPIC: Lose 5lbs in September Open Group Sat 09/13/14 11:37 PM SW: 203 CW: 199 GW: 196 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (9/01 Monday): n/a 9/06 Sat: n/a 9/13 Sat: 198 9/20 Sat: 197.2 9/27 Sat: End of Month (9/30 Tue): Total weight lost: I've lost almost 6lbs since the beginning of the month but hope to lose at least another…
  • Add me! I log daily and think my blogs are interesting. :) I love stalking my MFP friends and posting nice things and encouragement!
  • Have you thought about getting a stationary bike? (Not sure how big the apartment is.) There is also something called a bike trainer where you mount your actual bicycle on it and it turns it into a stationary bike providing resistance and letting you ride inside. It's a cheaper alternative- assuming you already have a…
  • It would be easier for others to give advice if you make your diary public so people can see what you eat and give more detailed advice. Generic advice: You can plateau at any point really. It depends on your body and how you are feeding and exercising it. Even though you may be doing the same exercises that you've always…
  • I've never really felt as big as I was until I saw pictures. Trying to take a selfie where I didn't have a double chin was a nightmare so I've just stopped taking pictures. I'm down 30lbs from my biggest and I'm way more active than I was so I'm starting to feel better but running is a weird sensation now because aaaalll…
  • Congratulations on your weight loss!!! The one thing that struck me was how much you are walking. If you walk a mile in 20 minutes that's 3 hours and 20 minutes to walk 10 miles. (Don't get me wrong I'm impressed) but I don't think that is something that will be sustainable over a long period of time. That is a huge chunk…
  • Thank you for the reality check everyone! It is just one day and it's not going to completely ruin my diet. lol. I think I'm going to look into that angel food cake with whipped cream and strawberries though I haven't had that in forever!!
  • Just remember that people lie. Especially if they are an insecure person. I had a guy at work today tell me about how beautiful and amazing and wonderful this girl he's "banging" is but because she put that she was in a relationship with him on FB he decided he was "bored" with her and was going to break up with her. It's…
  • Go to Settings on the top of the screen next to Log Out. Then Click Diary Settings. Scroll down to diary sharing and it will give you the option to make it public.
  • If you open your diary people will be able to give you better advice since they can see what you have been eating. :)
  • I love this thread already! I've had three knee surgeries and they are finally starting to get annoyed with how much weight I've been carrying around. Doctors orders I can't run anymore than 7 miles a week but my knees are so damaged right now I can't even run period. :( This is very upsetting for me as running is a great…
  • I would be mortified as well. Personal trainers can be really pushy (it's kinda their job) A lot of them rely only on word of mouth to get business and maybe he thought roaming around a food court accosting people was the way to get business? If you were at the gym and looked lost while trying to figure out a weight…
  • Yes! I made a cheesecake for my boyfriend this past week and I had one slice (280 calories whaaaat?!?) It through off my day and I ended up eating a really light dinner. It was delicious but after having that one piece I'm just not that interested in it. lol. He's eaten half of it by himself. I'm gonna have to take the…
  • On several occasions. It's usually not the question but how the respond when I say no that is upsetting. I've had someone tell me that I better get a pregnancy test because they were positive I was pregnant. It's one thing to simply ask the question, it's another to argue it like that. I just assume they are not until they…
  • I think it is simple for others to say that it's your fault. It's hard enough to restrict your own desire for pizza let alone when someone is overbearing and trying to force you to eat it. But you definitely need to find a way to reach him because for whatever reason just saying that you want to get healthy isn't getting…
  • When something is no longer working for me I change things up a bit. I too eat my biggest meal at dinner and I LOATHE salads! Psychologically for me I can't view a salad as a meal to me it's a side dish. (one which I rarely eat) I always end up starving later no matter what combination of toppings I put on it (chicken,…
  • There are tons of people here who eat less than healthy and still lose weight. There are several kinds of healthy foods that I can't eat because they give me heartburn or make me bloat or sick to my stomach. Whatever works best for you is great. I don't weigh my food and I still lose weight but I do eat healthier and…
  • The theory is that once you lose about 10% of your body weight in order to maintain that weight you would have to consume less or exercise more than another person that has always been that weight. (There is a name of this theory but i can't think of it) Why maintenance is so hard is because your body's metabolism slows…
  • This drives me NUUUUUUUTS!! My boyfriends father made us dinner the other night. It wasn't healthy but I left plenty of room in my calories because I knew it wasn't going to be. No big deal... until they learned I was on a diet (cough my boyfriend let it slip cough cough) and then started offering me every freaking sweet…
  • No matter what anyone tells you losing weight is hard. You can quit things like smoking or drugs or drinking alcohol and NEVER have to do them again. You can't quit food. So when your addiction is also something you need for survival, it gets complicated. My advice. Stop whatever diet you are on. It is clearly making you…
  • I would suggest sedentary. Lightly active is more for people who spent most of their time standing with a little walking. As a student you spend more time sitting through classes and studying. But I wouldn't stress over it. If you set your limits aligned with lightly active and find over a couple weeks that you aren't…
  • When I first started I thought 1400 was too low for me as well so I simply aimed for it but if I was hungry later I'd give myself a snack. I was eating between 1400-1600 the first week or so but now my stomach and appetite have changed because I'm eating healthier. I eat a lot more veggies and fruits, not so much processed…
  • I have been a compulsive eater my whole life and kicking the bingeing habit is hard. I used to zone out watching tv and eat and eat and eat like I had a bottomless stomach especially at night after I came home from work. I've been doing really well for a couple weeks keeping to my 1400 calorie limit (give or take 100 cal)…
  • SW: 203 CW: 199 GW: 196 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (9/01 Monday): n/a 9/06 Sat: n/a 9/13 Sat: 9/20 Sat: 9/27 Sat: End of Month (9/30 Tue): Total weight lost: Having trouble curbing my soda addiction this week. Any suggestions from anyone whose had trouble breaking up with soda?