jwurtz Member


  • Congrats on dropping bad habits. I will say Insanity is a hard program to but the outcome in the end is worth the pain in the beginning. I put my 12 year old through 6 weeks of it and he dropped 4 inches off his wait.. WIsh I could have kept his interest for all 8 but is served its purpose. I agree with the Pedal_Pusher,…
  • Way to go, keep it up.......
  • 1970 - Please tell me ladies you you go on 1000-1300 calories a day. That blows my mind. I personally would have to skip an entire meal to be at those numbers.
  • simona1972 : I like the way you think. Keep working hard and I'm sure you'll get there...
  • Let me give you a different perspective and I hope that it helps. I'm a go into the office husband with a stay at home wife with 3 kids. My wife and I started a Biggest Loser competition at the gym at the middle of January and she wasn't that enthused to get started doing it. We both had our weight to lose but I did it…
  • Let me add what I've read. The contestants do have a lot more weight than most, so losing 10lbs week, while a lot, is not that much when your talking about a 400lb person. Also when these people go from being couch potatoes to being active and eating healthy, things start to change. Exercise, these people have the ability…
  • I received this post from my nutritionist this morning. My question to her: "My question is on days that I exercise I could burn as much as 1000 calories a day and I was wondering what how I should be looking at those calories. Some say that allows me to eat more, up to the 1000 calories more. Some say I should leave them…
  • Me personally. I have found that I rarely use any of those exercise calories because I feel that I'm eating to much. I would love the opinions of a nutritionist, hey I have access to one at my gym. I'll get back to her with a response. JJ