I went over my sisters house to "drop in and say hello" but really I went over to eat left over Easter candy. I can't have in in my house or else I will eat it all mindlessly and in one night. Lol that's so sad
Fixing my form did help a good bit. I ended up switching to another program because of how fast it moves, it was hard to focus on my form. Thanks so much everyone!
Feeling comfortable enough to say to others when you are hungry. Sounds crazy but I used to never announce it because I thought everyone would think "of course you are"
I freaked out when I first noticed my collar bones in a picture. I have never really seen them before!
My motivation is pictures of my goal vacation. It makes me think of how I want to look for it. Saved it as the background on my phone. I also bought a small glider (mini elliptical) so that I have something right here to burn calories quickly with no excuses. Here's a pic of my glider I put in the corner of my bedroom. It…
wow you really look amazing i have jus started with my weight loss plan and i hope can achieve my goal like you are. Great job!