Anything Chalene Johnson is AWESOME! (And yes, that's Chalene and myself in my profile pic!) :happy: I loved Turbo Fire so much I became certified to teach the live class version, Turbo Kick. I also teach her other formats, Hip Hop HUSTLE and PiYo!
I use a Body Bugg to track calories burned.....I also have a Fitbit but it isn't as accurate in calculating's better for steps. (Like tracking them) I am a Turbo Kick Turbo Fire so much I became one! :happy:
You have to keep in mind that it's a weight loss program, although many people (almost all!) *do* lose weight. It's a detox where weight loss is a bonus. :smile: I am more interested in the other perks it provides.....the lower cholesterol, better sleep, more energy, etc. I've spoken with many people that are doing it that…
Hey there.... The Reset isn't really a "cleanse"...... it's an overall detox of your body that slowly takes place over time. You don't eat super low calories, or take "stimulants". This is not considered a weight loss system, although many do lose weight. You basically eat vegan. I can give anyone that is interested…
I guess I didn't take it down! :smile: I am waiting on my box and want to try to start the first week of June!
I'll message you!
moopachoo.... helen that her name? The cute girl in Twister....
Ya think? I've never gotten that..... I usually only get red heads. I guess we all look the same! :laugh:
I can't tell who is above me! :laugh:
I can show you A WHOLE LOT of success story pics! Just google it....IT WORKS! :smile:
There used to be weight....I remember because I was 118 but they put 128 by accident and I was MAD! It was like that until they took it off altogether!
I was just telling you what I do. :happy: My point is to have a little bit of *something* before you start to help you get through it.
WEAR EXCELLENT SHOES. I currently have a stress fracture in my foot from wearing crappy shoes doing InSANITY and teaching Turbo Kick classes. TOTALLY my own fault. Make SURE your shoes are excellent! I would have 1/3 of a P90X protein bar before I started InSANITY for the day or I wouldn't be able to get through it. :wink:…
Great job! Gotta love Turbo Fire.....Chalene is on Regis and Kelly tomorrow! :love:
I am 5'7", 138 lbs and a size 4. I have a very light frame as well. :smile:
If you are nursing and you have a hungry screaming baby, you feed them no matter where you are. :happy: Seriously though, I used to nurse in public all the time. No one ever knew what I was doing. You can be discrete about it.
REALLY?? That's unheard of.....I've done INSANITY and became RIPPED......lost a tons of inches.
Hey there! I'm Mary Ann....I'm 45 and a fitness instructor/coach. I just ran an online 30 day Challenge on here and over on Facebook. My group of 6 lost a group total of over 60 pounds! :) They tell me I'm a great motivator. Feel free to add me!
Friend me! I'm a 45 year old fitness instructor! :O)