

  • Sugar-free chocolate pudding helps
  • The first few weeks are the hardest. Don't place too much importance on the scale. As a woman you are more prone to weight flectuations than men. We retain water more easily, for example. Also, if all you think about is food, you might want to try snacking more. Of course I'm talking about keeping a stock of baby carrots,…
  • Good for you on your loss! Yes, the body burns calories while you sleep, but at a far slower rate. A large meal late at night is definitely not a good idea. However, if you have something light, a vegetable soup, salad or fruit later in the evening to stave off hunger, it's no big deal.
  • I too have found that there is a discrepancy in treadmill ond other gym equipment accuracy. Time is merely one part of the equation. Speed, incline or resistance also greatly affect the total number of calories burned in additin to age and weight. What I have discovered is that the machines at my gym seem to lean towards…
  • Had a c-section with second child and it took some time to heal completely and flatten out but it did. As time has passed the scar has become flatter and less discolored. How old are you? I was in my late twenties when I had the c-section. Fourteen years later the scar is an indentation but I do not have a flap. I've had…
  • Thank you for the post they sound wonderful. Better still we always have these ingredients on hand. Do your little princessses love them as well? I too have two little princessesses as well as two fine princes. They are always eager for a sweet treat.