1st WI tomorrow, does it get easier?

I've done really well this week, didn't give in to temptation, really stuck to my plan, etc. I did sneak a peek at the scale and I'm not sure I've lost anything, but I'll find out tomorrow morning.

Does it get easier? I feel like this 1 week has taken everything out of me and I'm feeling a bit nervous about maintaining this for the long-term....it seems like my entire day every day is spent thinking about food, exercise, planning out my meals, thinking about what I can't eat, etc. I just want to know that this gets better with time...


  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    Don't get obsessed with the scale (I struggle with this, too). Try measuring your success by other things... how your clothes fit, measurements, etc. If your goal is to be and feel healthier then eating better and working out is helping you achieve this goal regardless of what the scale says.
  • Allegi32
    Allegi32 Posts: 302 Member
    I know what you mean, I get totally scale-obsessed. But what I mean is, does this whole process get easier? Does it feel like less work the longer time passes? Or is it as intense and as much work as it is this first week? I just feel like my days are completely filled with planning and thinking about it.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    It gets easier in some ways as you start to learn what is in what food without even looking. If it feels hard, then you may be changing too many things at once.You should feel like you could happily do what you're doing now forever if need be. Remember, you shouldnt be dieting, just making small lifestyle changes, incorporating more things as time goes on.
  • Colleen268
    Colleen268 Posts: 25 Member
    If you can do something straight for 21 days, you can keep to it. THe adjustment period is hard in the beginning. I have been dieting since November 29 and I was a carb chocolate junkie. You would never see me eating a salad. My body is now craving the good stuff, which I never thought I would be saying "Wow, I can't wait to eat my fat free yogurt!" lol Give it 3 weeks in, you will see a difference with your frame of mind. Good luck!
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    Honestly, it doesn't get easier. Some weeks will be easier than others, and you get used to the lifestyle over time, but you'll always face challenges. The longer you have been eating healthfully and exercising, the easier it will be to conquer them. Just be diligent, your health is so worth it!
  • MariaAlbinaxoxo
    MariaAlbinaxoxo Posts: 290 Member
    Honestly for me, it hasn't gotten easier. You're gonna mess up, you're gonna get discouraged and you're gonna have a cheat day without meaning to, but it's not about how quick you lose the weight, it's about the journey. So just learn as you go. I lost 5lbs in 5 weeks and ended up gaining most of it back before getting back into the swing of things and have lost another 1.2lbs so far.
  • I guess if it was that easy none of us would be here!! Having said that I do believe it gets easier as you get into the rhythm of it. I am at the beginning again after many years of going up and down.....so I sympathise with you......I'm just sure we can all do this thing if we try!!
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    It does get easier over time - but being human, we all have slip ups once in awhile. The main thing is to never "throw in the towel" completely. The hardest part for me is learning to forgive myself right away and NOT dwell on those occasional mistakes. Just take it one day at a time and don't set un-reasonable goals for yourself. It's a fact that most of us over time will hit plateaus, where no matter what we do, the weight doesn't change - but then, for no apparent reason, you'll start losing again.

    I guess my advice in a nutshell is to celebrate each little change you make for the better and accept that once in awhile you'll mess up.

    ~~Prairie Rose
  • mgodde
    mgodde Posts: 10
    The first few weeks are the hardest. Don't place too much importance on the scale. As a woman you are more prone to weight flectuations than men. We retain water more easily, for example. Also, if all you think about is food, you might want to try snacking more. Of course I'm talking about keeping a stock of baby carrots, cucumbers, etc... on hand. When I started this program almost a year ago, I was so focused on the scale. I weighed myself every day. NUTS! What I have discovered is that while I have not met my target weight, my clothes are looser and my body is tighter.