walsh888 Member


  • i also love my polar ft7.....in my opinion polar is the best brand
  • i watch my carbs, which sugar affects....i am on a high protein diet so i keep my carbs under 100 a day. i usually end up around 85 and i eat fruit several times a day. i usually eat strawberries and blueberries and a few times a week a fuji apple with some walnuts.
  • i just started it 2 days ago and i take it first thing in the morning and chase it with a glass of water! it's not the best tasting thing that's for sure. just curious if anyone else has seen a difference or has had any experience with it.....thanks!!
  • I use the bosu to stand or sit on while performing other excercises ie. bicep curls...I balance myself on one leg...started out with balancing on both feet....you will find that you have to use your core to balance, not just your leg(s).