carrying a toddler definitely ups the calorie burn of doing anything :-)
It is with some hesistation that I jump into the artifical sweetener controversy. There are such strongly held opinions on both sides of the debate. From what I've seen of hard science there is probably low toxicity from the approved articial sweeteners for most people in low doses. However, that still doesn't mean they're…
Another option is Push/Pull/Legs and metcon Push would be starting with compound movements like push ups or bench press variations, then following with tricep exercises Pull: pullups, rows, tec. followed by bicep exercises Legs: exercise quads, hamstings and calves you can finsh those work outs with core work some days and…
@Perfect_Storm Most simply put, intermittant fasting is going for an extended period of time without eating. There are a lot of different programs and a lot ofdifferent rationales offered. The period with out eating is most commonly 16 - 24 hours, sometimes up to 36 hour. The most common approach is to do this on…
I would definitely recommend you lift weights or do some resistance training as part of your routine. You may want to consider some high intensity interval workouts, both for aerobic fitness and also to accelerate fat burning with less risk of overuse injury. A lot of ultra distance athletes have cut way back on their…
You definitely don't need a gym or a personal trainer (although those are nice). The other good thing is that workouts don't have to be long to be effective. You can Google HITT workouts or tabata workouts for some ideas. One exampl would be to warm up for a few minutes, then do intervals of 30 seconds activity, 30 seconds…