

  • What are you looking to do with what you get? If you want to get the most accurate calorie burn during your workout. I would get a HRM that actually calculates it for you. If you run outside a lot and want to track your runs I would suggest a GPS watch if you can afford it. I have the Nike+ SportWatch and it's pretty cool.…
  • Here you go. I would just plug the average heart rate that your Polar told you into this equation. Calories Burned = [(Age x 0.074) -- (Weight x 0.05741) + (Heart Rate x 0.4472) -- 20.4022] x Time / 4.184. Read more:…
  • when I started my HIIT work out I was using a 1:4 ratio. I would run for 30 seconds walk for 2 mins. After two weeks I changed to 1:3 which I ran for 30 seconds than rested for a min and a half. now I'm on the third phase of running 1:2 ratio. run 45 second rest a min and a half. my last phase will be 1:1 run 45 rest 45.…
  • I think a heart rate monitor would be better than a fuel band for yoga. I know that the fuel band doesn't take HR into account and if you want to be accurate with calorie count it's best if you measure your heart rate. I found this article to help you out.…
  • I was look at the Nike+ Fuelband. It looks kind of interesting, but it's not a heart rate monitor. It just uses the movement of your arm to estimate the type of exercise that you are doing, so it might not accurately count the calories that you burn. For example. if you're sitting on the couch waving your arm it would…
  • Using a HIIT program would be your best bet. It basically interval training where you go hard for 15-60 seconds and then rest for 1-2 mins and then repeat a few times. You can use it on any kind of cardio equipment also so that good and it can easily be tailored to fit your fitness levels. It's the best for people who…
  • go hard. If you're trying to lose the calories it's really not about what intensity zone you're in, but rather about how many calories you burn because it takes 3500 burned calories to lose 1lb. For example, if you work out for 20 mins at a low intensity you might burn 100 calories, but if you work out at a high intensity…
  • They say that you should change your workout program up like every month or two to keep your body guessing but I think if you like an exercise why not stay with it. At least for me I would rather do something that I liked doing and would do it more often than something that I didn't like doing. And when you're trying to…
  • oh and yes your 35 mins 5 days a week should be good enough for ramping up your metabolism. Most of the research that I have done says that 20-30 mins of HIIT is good enough to see results. In fact that's one of the pros of HIIT is that it can be a short work out but you get the same benefits if not more than a steady…
  • My current workout is HIIT related. I do a running/walking workout for 25-30 mins and then a bicycling for 20 mins. I like to swtich from running to bike because I get bored easily. I started off slow and have been able to work my way faster and faster. It's been a great experience. I haven't really been exhausted…
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