bikerbelle7 Member


  • As a former teenager with parents who knew everything (Strangely, as you get older they start to make more sense lol) we don't want to be told how to be healthy. It's COLLEGE!!!! we know we're going to eat ice cream at 4 am... and chicken tenders for breakfast. And if we want to play Wii for 6 hours.. it'll probably…
  • Welcome!! I started a couple weeks ago and it just feels good to be held accountable for what your eating... i didn't realize how much snacking I was doing! Now I'm reaching for the Pear siting on my desk rather than the chips.. Good luck with the weight loss!!
  • That's my treat as well!! I figure that when I finally am a size that I like and feel comfortable with I'll be comfortable showing off a tattoo!! I'm shooting for June.... here's hoping!
  • Hmmmm makes me think... I'm 5' 4" ... 195 and a 14. My goal is 145 (which is still over my BMI , go figure). No clue where I should be size wise... I don't think I was every a 6 or 8... seems impossible!