

  • i have yet to find this elusive "runners high". i have been running off and on the past 4 or 5 years, mostly during the spring/summer months. i go anywhere between 2-5 miles at a 8-9 minute mile pace. i've heard great things about this euphoric feeling, but have yet to experience it. i was a sprinter in HS and love that…
  • Most certainly Jessica Biel to dream about and Will Smith to be like...
  • I know how you feel. This is week 3 of watching what I eat. I am still finding myself hungry at times. Have a bag a fresh veggies on hand... carrot sticks, sliced peppers, cauliflower, etc. Snacking on those will help. I have also been trying to eat 300 calorie "meals" every 3 hours or so. Five of those a day and you have…
  • I started INSANITY on Feb 18 and dropped close to 10 lbs the first 2 weeks, things have tapered off since then. I lost ~3 pounds the past week. Changing my diet has probably attributed as much to this as the calorie burning from the workouts(which are very challenging). SW: 201 (2/18/11) CW: 188 (3/9/11) GW : was 185, now…
  • Using INSANITY and eating a very strict diet I lost 7 lbs the first week. Eating very well again I just finished the second week and have weighed myself as low as 188, but this morning was 189.5. My goal for the 63 day period of INSANITY was to get to 185. If I keep a lock down on the eating I should be there sooner than…