Starting Insanity!

I'm going to start INSANITY today! I can't wait! I was just looking up how many calories it burns, & I'm finding that it only burns 300-400 calories.. is that right? I've seen people's transformations after doing Insanity & they look amazing! It's hard to believe they got that way burning so little calories during the workout. When I go to the gym, I typically burn 500-600 cals & my body hasn't changed dramatically in the last 2 months. I'll be wearing my HRM while doing the workout today, so I guess I'll see just how many calories I burn.


  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    I think you build tons of muscle and also builds endurance. Keep in mind though that everyone burns calories at a different weight so you may burn more than 400 or less.
  • DeniseGB
    DeniseGB Posts: 1
    I start Week 5 of Insanity tomorrow.
    I can see a difference in my body and so can others.
    It builds endurance, strength, muscle, and cardio. It is a great workout.
  • SavannaN
    SavannaN Posts: 148
    Im on week 3, can you let me know what the HRM says about the cals lost??
  • RachM
    RachM Posts: 113 Member
    I only burned between 300-400 calories, but I my abs really toned out. I didnt loose any weight, but i lost inches!
  • szartman
    szartman Posts: 5
    I started INSANITY on Feb 18 and dropped close to 10 lbs the first 2 weeks, things have tapered off since then. I lost ~3 pounds the past week. Changing my diet has probably attributed as much to this as the calorie burning from the workouts(which are very challenging).

    SW: 201 (2/18/11)
    CW: 188 (3/9/11)
    GW : was 185, now 180 (4/21/11)