dave_in_delaware Member


  • I will run tonight after work because I run 3x a week: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat/Sun. I finished the C25K and want to maintain my running abilities. I'm doing HIIT for a while though.
  • OMG. You're making my head hurt. Math late at night is "teh failz." LOL.
  • Personally, I eat past 6pm every day, because I only get out of work at 5 or 5:30, 30 minutes to drive home (longer if errands after work), then time to actually cook the dinner... so yeah, I eat after 6pm. Sometimes 7pm. 8pm. 9pm. Whenever I can eat with my wife and her crazy schedule. My parents swear by not eating after…
  • I wanted to be a registered architect. I loved drawing houses and plans and etc. I had a Crayola Designer Kit with the little plastic T-square and a triangle when I was a kid. I reproduced the house plans in the back of my mom's Better Homes and Gardens magazines, to scale, with my Designer Kit. I was hooked.... I have two…
  • Congratulations! That's awesome! i'm almost finished with the C25K. The C25K program works wonders. And if you push yourself a little bit each day (once your body is used to the running), you might be able to run more than 30 minutes by the end of Week 9. I'm up to running 38 minutes and a full 5K distance in Week 8.
  • If you have a treadmill or access to one, try the C25K program on it. That's how I got into running. I've never been a runner. I tried it 20 years ago and got horrible pain in my shins and stopped. But this program eases you into it and lets you go at your own pace. If you have to repeat a day or a week, then that's OK. If…
  • Doesn't annoy me one bit. It's their life. They'll do whatever they WANT to do, regardless of what you say. Dieting alone will not keep weight off. Your body needs so much of everything to be healthy. And you have to exercise to burn the extra calories off. It's a simple formula if you think about it: Weight loss =…
  • Thanks again everyone for the kind and encouraging words!! @Abs1929: NOT stepping on a scale was really easy for me, because I don't own one! LOL. I actually had to wait until I was somewhere where I felt comfortable enough to ask if I could use their scale. Maybe you can have your spouse, significant other, or a freind…
  • Body Mass Index is the dumbest thing I've ever seen in recent years. I've lost 35 pounds and am now down to my college weight that I had 15 years ago. But according to the BMI number here on MFP, I'm still borderline overweight!! WTF? And based solely on my height, I'd still be considered healthy if I lost another 40…
  • My motivation list: My wife My children My friends (real life, in person) My Facebook "friends" My future job training Myself. I'm horrible at logging on here and entering all my food and exercise stuff. I find it tedious to do this every day, so I haven't been doing it. I know that's a bad thing, since that's one of the…
  • What a transformation!! You're a totally new person! Congrats!
  • Looking very beautiful and VERY confident! It might not be a large "number" of weight lost, but it seems to be a huge amount of weight off your mind. Good job!
  • Thank you jbretz and xxhollow. I was quite surprised by what the scale told me. I was figuring I didn't even lose my goal of 20 pounds yet, so it was a pleasant surprise!
  • Well, to update my own thread, I tried the "watch a movie" suggestions tonight (and two nights ago) for my runs, and it definitely made my time go by much faster. It's like a slight distraction that you need to take your mind off of the clock. Thank you for the great idea everyone! Well, I've only been running inside on…
  • Thank you. Can you tell I'm a huge proponent to the 2nd Amendment, carry for self defense, gun owners, etc? I'm not sure what you mean by leaving your shirt untucked? You mean so it covers your gun so the "sensitive" types can't see it? In Delaware, if I cover ANY part of my gun with a shirt, jacket, etc and I do not have…
  • Thanks to everyone for your suggestions and letting us read about what you do to fight boredom on a treadmill. I might try watching TV/DVD again to see how that goes for me. Something to sidetrack my mind from always wanting to check the clock. LOL. I realize running outside vs treadmill is different. And as far as "how" I…
  • I tried running 20 years ago. I got horrible pain in my shins so I stopped. And that was with Asics running shoes. But, 8 weeks ago, I started the C25K program, and it WORKS! It gets you into running gradually, which is very important. If you can't do a Day or a Week, repeat it. Keep trying. I'm now running 30+ minutes…
  • Have you ever noticed that in those States and Countries where gun laws are so overbearing (or just plain stupid), or guns are outlawed totally, the crime rates are HIGH? But where everyday citizens are allowed to arm themselves in their own homes, or in public, the crime rates are lower? Hmmmm, go figure. And have you…
  • Wow. Thanks for all the input so far everyone! I did fail to mention that I usually have my music playing while I run. I listen to "aggressive" or "high beat-per-minute" music and the beat keeps me moving. But I still find myself getting bored visually. I don't know what to look at. And it's the same stuff every time. I've…
  • This is an interesting thread, and a very important one. For anyone to ignore their own personal safety (whether inside their own home or outside it "in public") is beyond me. And for anyone to think "it won't happen to me" is only fooling themselves. I used to think that. I knew I didn't live in a perfect world, or a…
  • I guess i need to start keeping some water on my treadmill so I can "wet my whistle" when/if I start breathing through my mouth. Because a dry mouth throws my rhythms all out of whack.
  • I never listened to any podcast, so I'm not sure what you (or I) ignored. But yeah, After I hit my first wall at W5D3 I readjusted myself and my attitude and began pushing myself a little more and a little more. Which is why I'm running 30 minutes in Week 7 already I guess. The intervals of walking and running in the…
  • When I started doing the C25K, I was trying to breathe through my nose only. It worked until I started getting deeper into the running, and getting more tired, then my concentration broke and I ended up breathing however. After a Week or two I was trying the inhale through nose, exhale through mouth thing. Same thing: I…
  • Well, I didn't get any suggestions, so I pushed myself (again) and did 30 minutes, PLUS upped my pace a little by 0.2 mph. It doesn't sound like much, but my body feels it. For W7D3 I might push even harder to go beyond 30 minutes, just to see what happens....
  • If you're not seeing results, maybe it's time to switch up your routine. Your body only takes 3 weeks to get used to doing a workout routine, because it gets efficient at doing what you're doing, so results slow down and you hit a plateau. This applies to running, walking, and weight lifting. Also, intense workouts burn…
  • I'm not sure what's so bad about leftovers. If we have leftovers after a dinner, I'll package them up and take them to work for lunch for the next day or two. That's better than throwing money away. At least that's how I see it. My worst habit has to be sweets. I have a huge sweet tooth. Cake, cookies, ice cream, candy…
  • Well, here's an update for everyone: I decided to redo Week 5 but with some modifications. I took the original W5D2 and made it my new W5D1, which I did today (OK, technically yesterday - Tuesday). But I ended up tweaking it part way through my walk (I was feeling rejuvenated already I guess) by cutting one minute off of…
  • My name is David which means "beloved" (Hebrew origin), as in "dearly loved" or "dear to the heart." My wife loves me, and my kids love me, so I suppose it fits me well.
  • Wow! So many great suggestions and advice! Thank you everyone for the support! Don't worry. I'm not going to quit. Which is why I was asking what to do/try now. I've read everyone's posts, and it seems that the suggestions vary a little bit as far as where I should "continue." Some suggested repeating the week, others…