I hate running



  • GenerationD05
    I'm on Week 2 Workout 2 for the C25K program and I have to say that even though my shins kill me every time (I know that running shoes will help but I won't have the money until later this month to get them), I still do it. Again, my shins hurt but I noticed when I did workout 1 yesterday that running felt easier for me since the last time and that I was getting used to it more. Running is warming up to me. I haven't run anything for about 12 years (since I played recreational soccer) so it's helping me get into it. I might end up hating it still in the end, but I know that it's healthy and good for me so I'm not going to stop. Try the first week if you want and if you feel that it's for you, then continue. If not, then maybe just run/jog and walk at your own pace and try to increase the time every week.
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    Yep, I hate running too, lol.

    I've been running now for three months and am only JUST starting to enjoy the runs. But just a little bit. It takes a while.

    Just keep doing it. It gets easier, and when it gets easier, it's more of a stress release and some you-time. That's the way I see it - it's the 45 minutes of the day that I get to myself to relieve stress and to do my own thing.

    At the same time, you burn a ton of calories and get all slim and fit. =D
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    I hated it to start with. Literally couldn't bear it. Didn't understand why anyone would do it for fun. 2 1/2 months later, I love it. I go running 3 times a week and cross train the other days, and on my cross training days, all I'm thinking is that I wish I was running. I just want to go further and longer, and if I didn't have a tiny bit of self control, I'd go entirely mad with it and injure myself :P

    When you're struggling to get through it, it's awful. But once you get to a certain point, which will be different for everyone, it does get better. And I feel like I've accomplished something by getting to this point, and that's equally satisfying.
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    I was like you.... hated running! Running laps in PE was punishment in grade school so I guess that sort of stayed with me. Last year I started to 'train' for a 5K (and by train was simply to lace up my shoes and start running) and it sort of stayed with me. Now I love it and miss it when I have to take time off to recover.

    Just start.... get outside in the beautiful sunshine.... and run! I recommend that you do get the right shoes, however. I am partial to Asics.
  • dave_in_delaware
    dave_in_delaware Posts: 49 Member
    I tried running 20 years ago. I got horrible pain in my shins so I stopped. And that was with Asics running shoes.

    But, 8 weeks ago, I started the C25K program, and it WORKS! It gets you into running gradually, which is very important. If you can't do a Day or a Week, repeat it. Keep trying. I'm now running 30+ minutes straight, two weeks ahead of the C25K schedule.

    I've never been a runner before the C25K program. But the C25K program will make you a runner. If i can do it, anyone can do it.

    Remember: Running is 25% physical, 75% MENTAL. Keep a positive attitude and you'll do it!!!
  • nob86
    nob86 Posts: 8 Member
    For all of those out there who don't enjoy (or the thought of) running so much, there ARE ways to make it more tolerable/interesting than just running continuously at a steady pace.

    You can do interval training - many different varieties, also great way to get into running, such as walk-run-walk.

    Hillruns/sprints - Run either up or down hill, then jog/walk back to the start and repeat - a kind of interval training but great for variation or if you don't want to go far.

    What is your motivation to run? Improve fitness, lose weight? Those and many more benefits can be achieved using Kettlebell training. You can do them anywhere, outside, in the garage, they don't take up much space, and they offer a challenging workout in a short time.

  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I’m not sure where you are located but in Northern VA there is a store that’s called the Potomac River Running Club. It’s your average running store where you can by accessories, clothes and get fitted properly for running shoes. About 3 months ago I was in the same boat as you, hated running. Well my best friend and I signed up for a Training Program lead by that running club. Link below.


    It helped in so many ways. Introduced us to people just like us who hated running but wanted to love it. We met twice a week for an hour and we went over technique, skill and endurance building. It was so amazing, after the 8 weeks of twice a week classes we are much more comfortable running. Do we LOVE it when we are out there not yet, but we don’t hate it anymore. This past Sunday we ran our first 5k with my sister and brother and law and it was absolutely AMAZING. We ran the entire thing! So proud. I also do recommend the couch to 5k or bridge to 10k programs. Good luck!

    ^^ I just got my new running shoes from these people! Woohoo!
  • LexusG
    LexusG Posts: 9
    Hey I sis track and I still like to run :) Get comfy running clothes, good shoes, and stretch. Dont eat for at least an hour before or after your run, go to the gym or find a track, do one lap the first day and every few days add another lap, you can google the proper breathing and position technique before you run first to :)
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    MarathonRookie.com and RunnersWorld.com are great sites for beginners and experienced runners as well.
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    C25K.....I'm finishing up week 7 and starting to look forward to my runs.. It's a time to clear my mind...As a SAHM of 3, for my running time noone is saying, "Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama".. I run early in the morning. I used to dislike running and was NOT a morning person.. However, with 114 degree days in Texas, I must run early.. I have started running before the sun comes up... It is amazing to enjoy God's creation as you watch the world wake up in the morning.. Having said that....for the first few weeks your main focus will be breathing..:) But at some point something weird happens...and suddenly it's about so much more...or has become that for me.. I wish you the best.. Can't wait to hear about your progress...
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    Couch to 5K is the best way. No need to pay for these programs, they are available for free. Good luck!


    Ditto that, I got my iPhone app for free.