I'm getting married Aug 19, 2012
You can also ask them to use as little rice as possible. Spicy crunchy tuna roll is awesome!
Great job! Congrats girl
I love Chipotle! One of my fav's
The days I feel unmotivated I force myself to the gym and those are usually my best workouts! Just tell yourself once your in your groove you will forget your muslces are sore and think how sexified your gonna be this summer LOL
I really like Rapunzel brand Organic Chocolate Hazelnut Butter. Its just as sugar & sweet bad for you but it has 30 calories less and 10 grams of carbs less than Nutella. When I'm craving sweet I have 1 spoon of this and wash it down with a big glass of water
Great job! Take it one day at a time and before you know it you will be running 1 mile
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