

  • All of these "thiings" you are listing, while tragic/influential/true, are cyclic. Really read what you have written. To me, an outsider, it is a list of triggers/distractions. Try this: Set a daily goal (n'importe quoi) and a long term goal. Achieve them/empower yourself. Start small! Dream big! [/quote] Forgive me, this…
  • Thanks, I admire that you all seem to be good at moving on.
  • I am so glad I re-read your post. I thought on first read that she is claiming to have PCOS and showing off her fertility which would be in about the worst taste imagineable.... But on re-reading you said she does not have PCOS that you know of... It is VERY painful to have 8 miscarriages and everything else that goes with…
  • Yes.. absolutely... I am naive.. I get outside, I coach sports, I am involved with the children's activities, I smile. I am kind and self aware.. but I have always been too trusting, naive and I was terribly taken advantage of by my narcissistic ex husband and I am too forgiving and working on it in therapy, reading books…
  • Yes.. i know.... I know work is his number 1.. and that is very likely why his stbx has not spoken a word to him in years. He is terrific when he is right in front of me... but the rest of the time he is an adrenaline junkie who is literally responding to emergencies and he is really some kind of hero to the community..…
  • I see doctors for the hormonal issues already.. it is a very common disorder. The medicine is very expensive. So that is a problem. I am on a bio-identical thyroid because synthetic does not work for me, and d-chiro-inositol. When I am even 20 pounds overweight I get male pattern hair problems, etc...and the weight is…
  • Not any more.. no.. right now.. he is not my boyfriend. He is my ex boyfriend who may may never deal with finalizing his divorce...he offered her half, she refused and wants more than half. And so they are not dealing with it. I am not waiting. He will need a couple of years to heal and should have told me the whole scoop…
  • I agree with you all.. that is very encouraging. I am more focused on helping my children get through the terrible divorce and the physical and emotional abuse from their father than I am men. This friend was very important to me, he helped me a great deal with not being afraid of my ex husband who is truly a threat to me.…
  • Thank you all... any encouragement really helps. It is nice to hear others have found someone while heavy.. just in case the hormones beat me.. a lot of people with this diagnosis have not been able to lose. I already lost 65 pounds and gained half of it back over a year later. So I know if I can afford the supplements to…
  • Do your very best to remember a couple of things you like about your mom. And when she is awful, if you can, tell her "Mom, if you cannot say anything nice, please don't say anything at all." Then turn from her and walk away. Avoid her. Take care of yourself. Try to forgive her she clearly has her own problems. Try your…
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