

  • I work out at home - I use a step, jump rope, resistance bands, ankle weights, dumb bells, weight belt, medicine ball, and balance ball.
  • I've been using a Timex Ironman Triathlon for about a month now - I don't know what your budget is but they run from about $60 to just over $100 on Amazon (depending on the model you choose) and they have a chest strap and a feature rich watch receiver.
  • I use CardioTrainer on my Droid, I like that it combines GPS functionality with pedometer functionality so I can get a fairly accurate idea of my exercise impact even when I can't get a good GPS signal. It does calculate calories burned based on the type of activity you choose, and personal data you enter (i.e. your…
  • I think this is a very individual thing. I know there are numerous studies out there that say you shouldn't eat after 8pm or 9pm or just before bed, etc; but consider what you normally do between dinner time and bed time. If you are very sedentary at that time of day it may make more sense to shift the bulk of your calorie…
  • Yes it is, it is called water intoxication or water poisoning: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_intoxication
  • I am not a morning person at all, but I know if I don't work out in the morning I certainly won't do it after a full day of work. I won't tell you it gets easier to get up in the morning, but if you can force yourself to do it for at least 7 days it will become a habit and then you start to notice that the day is actually…
  • I would do a "light" version of your normal exercise - shorter time and/or lower intensity. When I'm not feeling well I always force myself to do something physical during my normal workout times. Basically I think of it as a place holder; I'm not really getting much physical benefit from it but too many rest days in a…
  • I just made some for the first time over the weekend - I made them in the slow cooker and added diced apples, dried cranberries, a touch of brown sugar and cinnamon. Both my husband and my son loved it and they have a nice healthy breakfast for the whole week.
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