

  • I love the age difference. I've been to Scotland, and the land is just steeped in history. As amazing as that is, the US /feels/ younger, even in Charleston, our oldest city, especially when compared. The only time the dirt around here has felt really old to me has been when I've found an arrowhead. Oh, and I love watching…
  • I know what you mean!! There are some days that are hard to make the minimum calorie count, and I definitely think it depends on what I eat that day and if I exercise. I can't see how its healthy for someone to force themselves to eat if they aren't hungry, though. Proteins keep you from being hungry for longer, and carbs…
  • I would definitely suggest getting fitted by a pro. I never did until recently and I REALLY noticed a difference. There should really be no need to "break in" a new pair of sneakers!! They should just FIT. The shoe place I went to was called Fleet Feet. I paid about $100, too, but I'm pretty sure that I can find the same…