A set of adjustable dumbbells are great for working out at home or if you don't want to get any equipment then just find some good body weight exercise programs online.
Take a look at some of the Primal diets that are becoming pretty popular, there are a lot of positive results and not so many negative ones if you look around at the forum comments on a few fitness sites. Most people seem to have more energy, feel fitter and healthier and just enjoy life more also its a lot easier to stick…
I follow a very good lifestyle plan IMO but even more importantly is being able to self motivate, I do this by having a favourite quote in several places that I can easily see when I feel like giving up, I might add this works not only for weight loss but I use it to motivate myself for any goal. The next thing is to take…
Superfoods may not actually exist as such but in reality all the foods that get lumped into this category are better foods that are usually organic and will certainly be healthier for you than other food. In this respect you can consider these types of food super and so why not make use of an easy way to find healthy…