ncrawley Member


  • Thank you, it's all very clear now! Now to find something else to eat today.....
  • Thanks guys, have slightly misunderstood the website then! So, if I consumed 1978 calories a day without exercise, I should still see some weight loss? Not that I won't do exercise though!
  • Not sure if we can get ground turkey in the UK, will have to check it out next time I'm at the supermarket, I only have one tin so will get eat it tomorrow and see if there's any better alternatives
  • Thanks everyone - it's just a recipe I found online! I'm in the UK so not sure if it's sold here and how expensive it is - I know I've seen Soy Milk but don;t want that due to the links with excess hormones in it for men lol
  • Sorry I should have stated my sex lol, I'm Male and I do some weight work, nothing major but definitely need the protein!